Monday, March 30, 2009


My comments>>
Hi Naragan,

Despite disgreements we should unite to give the PKR candidate a chance.

As a Hindraf supporter (not necessarily with all the content of the memo to the Queen) I do understand your view. We don't want another MIC kind. but give it time and I am sure u would be around making sure PKR lives up to expectations.

Makkal Sakthi
The issue at the centre of all these unwanted problems is that Manikumar, a political novice, is unconnected with the Hindraf and Makkal Sakthi movement and was selected by a business tycoon close to Pakatan supremo Anwar Ibrahim. By Baradan Kuppusamy, The Malaysian Insider

My comments >>>
The Malay electorate would decide. 30% of Bukit Selambau’s population are Indians, 50% Malays and 20% Chinese.

The question is the candidate qualified. Despite disagreements we should unite to give the PKR candidate a chance.

As a Hindraf supporter (not necessarily with all the content of the memo to the Queen) I do understand your view. We don't want another MIC kind. but give it time and I am sure u would be around making sure PKR lives up to expectations.

Makkal Sakthi

Monday, March 23, 2009

rocky's bru "Dr M: Malays at risk of being dispossessed" and Comments

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130 Comments - Hide Original PostCollapse comments
"The Malays cannot even defend themselves; if they meet and talk (to defend themselves), they are called racists." - Dr Mahathir

"Melayu Kini Cemas". In his 100-para address at the gathering of Malay NGOs under the Perkasa umbrella this morning, Dr Mahathir Mohamad warned the Malays that they are on the verge of losing their political power. They are being called immigrants in their own country by others who have forgotten the Malays' hospitality. The Malays face external attacks as well as from within by their own so-called liberal brothers who have become shamed apologists to those who accuse the Malays of practising Apartheid against other races.

And faced with these attacks, the Malays are not even allowed to defend themselves. If they do, they are called racists, Dr Mahathir said.

The position of the Malays in their own country are under greater threat today than it was under the British, he said.
12. Keadaan hari ini lebih merbahaya daripada keadaan semasa British merancang untuk menakluk negeri-negeri Melayu dengan perancangan Malayan Union. Pada masa itu kita boleh cakap berkenaan Melayu dan tidak ada sesiapa yang akan tuduh kita sebagai racist. British pun tidak panggil kita racist. Mereka akui memang pun hak orang Melayu menuntut negeri-negeri Melayu sebagai hak orang Melayu. Semua perjanjian berkenaan dengan negeri-negeri di semenanjung mesti dibuat dengan Raja-Raja Melayu. Tidak ada siapa dari kaum laim yang berhak membuat apa-apa perjanjian. 13. Sekarang orang Melayu tidak pun boleh berkata negeri ini negeri Melayu, tidak boleh sebut negeri ini dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu. Negeri Jepun boleh dikatakan negeri orang Jepun, negeri Korea – negeri orang Korea, negeri China – negeri orang Cina, negeri India – negeri orang India. Tetapi negeri Melayu – bukan negeri orang Melayu. Dahulu mungkin. Tetapi tidak sekarang. Sekarang Malaysia, hak orang Malaysia dan bukan hak orang Melayu. Kesanggupan dan kerelaan orang Melayu berkongsi milik negara ini tidak sedikit pun dihargai. Pemberian satu juta kerakyatan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra kepada kaum lain tidak dihargai bahkan tidak diingati, dilupakan dengan begitu sahaja. 14. Orang Melayu dikatakan kaum pendatang di negaranya sendiri. Dan kaum pendatang lain tidak boleh dipanggil kaum pendatang. Jika sesiapa berbuat demikian, mereka mesti minta maaf. Tidak perlu sesiapa minta maaf jika berkata Melayu kaum pendatang.
Read all 100 paragraphs at Big Dog's, here.

Notes: Perkasa is not an Umno wing. It is an NGO set up to try and bring all Malay groupings in this country under a single umbrella nothwithstanding pollitical ideologies.

posted by Rocky's Bru at 12:55 on 22-Mar-2009


Anonymous said...
I would say Malays are moving forward more than ever. I think a growing Malay middle class is more poltically astute than ever and more politically independent.
Besides the issues that face Malays such a poverty and education and economic opportunities are universal and have relevance to all other races.
Dr M is painting a scenario that really has no relevance in the 21st Century.
In fact looking at BN itself the MCA and MIC have very little political relevance anymore. Even with PR Malays dominate through PAS and PKR. Thus I see Malay political dominance actually more dominant than ever. Its just that within PR there is more interaction and consultation between different races.
I just think Dr M is coming from a very narrow viewpoint and assuming UMNO is the only champion of the Malays. I think he just did not read the memo that the Malays have moved on....

2:04 PM

amir said...
Well, it's about time!

2:24 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey ! Interesting.......

Pls link the article…


kah kah kah... MI NO SPIK INGLIS... MI NO PIL POM... kah kah kah...

2:26 PM

donplaypuks® said...
I wonder where this racist Firaun got the notion that the Malays cannot call this country theirs. After all, it is named Malay-sia and we all recognize them as they ealiest settlers of Malaysia. I and 99.99% of non-Malays have no problem with this.

Sure overseas, the Chinese, Japanese and Indians call their respective countries China, Japan and India, But, the majority don't have a policy of asking non-ethnic minority citizens to recognise any concept remotely like Ketuanan China, Ketuanan Japan, Ketuanan Inia etc or refer to minorities as 2nd class "Pendatang."

Citizenship confers equality under the Constitution and Laws anywhere in the World. And by these tenets and universal concepts, we should only have a Bangsa Malaysia. Why is not so in practice here? Because of the racist anf polarizing policies effected by Firaun over 22 years, that's why!!

Firaun is still like a needle stuck on a broken record; a racist half Indian recalcitrant who will never change!

Let's not give this Firaun who is a waste of space another moment of consideration, especially since he's trying very hard to push his hugely unpopular Mark II son into the higher echelons of politics!!

2:32 PM

married to malay said...
Just look at New Straits Times, once the pride of Umno & the urban Malays. Just 5 years under Kalimullah and it is now being run by non-Malays and anti-Melayus. All the section editors are Indians, Chinese or Eurasians. The group editor used to be an Indian with a Mat Salleh name, now it's an Arab.

2:54 PM

Afiq Deen said...
I read Melayu Cemas recently and was alarmed by the deteriorating state of malays in our beloved country. Dr Mahathir alerted NGOs about the reality of being malay today. As a malay myself, I do feel threatened by the turn of events. Malays who are voicing their rights are now considered racists. This is a scary prospect indeed....

to be continued at my blog...

2:57 PM

Hero Melayu! said...
Dear don play puks. its because people like you that we can't achieve the bangsa malaysia.

Not that I have anything against the non malays, but if u really want to be equal you people should be strip of ur ethnicity and act like Malaysians.

Go to one school, speak Bahasa MALAYSIA like the Indonesian speak Indonesian. If you go to indonesia, you can't differentiate them because they speak one language.

You guys are the one who are racist seriously. You get offended when we ask you to go back to your own countries but you're just behaving like a real dumb a** and not try to assimilate with the Malaysian culture.

Respect others like you want to be respected la.

3:00 PM

Tengku Muhkree said...
Dah mula merepeklah si Mahathir tu.

Melayu di ancam oleh siapa?

Ditindas oleh siapa?

Pertahankan diri daripada siapa?

Cukuplah Mahathir.

Mahathir ni nak memperkukuh dan menjustifikasikan pemerintahan kuku besi Najib yang akan datang, dan kedudukan Mahathir sendiri sebagai 'advisor' kepada kerajaan.

Cukuplah menipu dan memperbodohkan orang Melayu.

Cukuplah sudah.

3:13 PM

Hamid Jilbab said...
Married to Malay:

So what if the New Straits Time is run by Malaysians, tak kira bangsa atau agama, asalkan kesetiaan mereka itu terletak pada tanahair ini?

Apa salahnya editor NST tu Melayu atau Cina atau India, selagi dia itu sayang pada seluruh warganegara Malaysia dan bertugas secara beretika dan tidak menunduk kepada mana-mana kuasa atasan tapi cuma untuk kebenaran dan keadilan?

3:15 PM

Anonymous said...
I think Tun needs to start talking to the younger generation of Malays to get a grip of the reality on the ground.
What does he mean by we are being dispossesed? Our problems are the same as our neighbours: economic, jobs, poor education policies. Sort those out and the lot of Malays will be eveb better.
As for politics - I think too many of us dominate poltics!
Does Tun not know its 2009?


3:17 PM

Anonymous said...
Donplaypuks Bastard, you may not like Dr.M , but refrain from calling him with derogatory names ...this is typical of you ALIENS in MALAYsia: complain, name calling, tantrums, arrogant, condescending if you people are the chosen foot ...YOU ALIENS ARE ALL FUCKING BASTARDS!!! GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY NOW!!!

- A more and more fed up Melayu

3:19 PM

donplaypuks® said...

On a completely different but very important matter of National Interest, the Altantuya case has now reached UK audience via the London Times as per Malaysia Today. Last week it was France and Europe via La Liberation, but the London Times is the BIG LEAGUE:

"Arms deal link to death of model" Posted by admin Sunday, 22 March 2009 11:45

"The scandal exploded last week after the French newspaper Libération alleged that the submarines deal and the murder of Altantuya Shariibuu, 28, were connected.


Michael Sheridan and Matthew Campbell, The Sunday Times."

The deafening silence from DPM Najib cannot continue. He must respond or we will become the laughing stock of the World on April 2nd or 3rd!!

3:23 PM

Anonymous said...
Anon 2.04 pm, this gathering is not organised by UMNO, NEVER associate anything with Malay in it as have an open mind and do understand what's in a Malay mind right now. As a non Malay, you must think out of the box, instead of looking just from a non Malay view ....If you don't realise it, let me tell you then....Malays have been provoked, insulted, being called 'pendatang' in their own country, bullied even ... the REAL PENDATANGS want everything, even the control of the country question is, why aren't they grateful for what had been given to them, the wealth, the freedom to live in M'ia as long as it's within the law????? Why are the REAL PENDATANGS very UNGRATEFUL towards the Malays??? Dr. M is not irrational ...nor narrow in his thinking ...Don't label UMNO as the only champion of the Malays ...UMNO is not the only voice of the Malays ..PERKASA is an NGO ....Rocky had already explained about this NGO...pls read again..

In conclusion, I would like to say, Malays have the right to congregate talk about their affairs that too much for the REAL PENDATANGS to bear?

- a more and more fed up Melayu

3:40 PM

nstman said...
Malays are afraid of the English language, Malays are afraid of their own shadows, Malays are afraid of progress, Malays are afraid of everything. When will Malays come of the shell that has engulfed their minds for so long?

3:55 PM

amir said...
Hey, I'm a younger generation Malay. And I think what Dr M has to say is relevant and current.

I was thinking of picking a fight here with you racist people.

Then again:

1. Dr M needs no defenders.

2. 100 Bullets. No answers. Just personal attacks that don't hold water. All you racists got pwned!

3. I got lots of work to do than cater to your racist bullshit.

I say we should do away with the NEP if the Bumis have 60++% of the nation's wealth. The Indians and related minorities should also get like, 5%.

AND THEN we can talk about equal political power.

4:04 PM

Anonymous said...
The Malabari has sold his roots . need we say more ? if he is Malay , i am an eskimo and hamod albar is yemeni .


4:37 PM

Anonymous said...
amir ! its about time ? get a grip with ur socio intellio lectio cockosucko from the pressoclubbo . i do respect mahathir . sad ! he aint malay . I rest my case !


4:41 PM

Anonymous said...
"..dontplaypuks 2.32pm.."

this post says it best. pls read it. i agree 100%.


5:02 PM

Anonymous said...
Here comes the racist again.


5:10 PM

Anonymous said...
from the non-malays comments here, we gather clear evidence that Tun Dr Mahathir is as right as rain

Malays, beware or you might end up from being land owners to an owner of one tiny flat for only 99 years

take heed, it has happened

5:10 PM

Bangsa Malaysia said...
pertubuhan perkasa bumi bakal menjadi satu lagi parti politik melayu.

bermula sebagai ngo, kemudian bergabung tenaga menjadi satu parti politik.

cuba menghilangkan perkataan melayu kemudiannya mencipta perkataan baru, iaitu, pribumi.

bakal menjadi pesaing UMNO dan Pas. so, siapa sebenarnya yang memecahkan Melayu dari dua kepada tiga?

kalau betul melayu ialah pribumi, ORANG ASLI ialah apa?

jangan terlalu bangga dengan warna rupa. ingatlah agama lebih tinggi dari kaumnya. mata tuhan tak tengok perbezaan wajah rupa.


5:13 PM

Anonymous said...
kah! kah! kah! kah!
Stomach pain lah, i had a good laugh after reading mamak-thirs' article.
Kata dulang paku serpih..
Say me, Say you, say it forever, naturally....
sudah gaharu chandana pula...
It's just a malay old saying which means you are asking a question pretending not knowing the answer.
Pidah! balik kampung, tepuk dada tanya selera..


5:20 PM

Anonymous said...

I c...Racist Madey again!

Hentikanlah projek memperbodohkan melayu!

5:24 PM

Anonymous said...
17. Mereka tidak mahu merebut peluang yang disedia bagi mereka. Tempat di universiti tidak diambil. Peluang perniagaan diselewengkan. Belia Melayu tidak ingin belajar, lebih berminat dengan melepak atau jadi Mat Rempit.

18. Majoriti daripada rakyat Malaysia yang terlibat dengan dadah terdiri daripada orang Melayu, yang mendapat penyakit HIV Aids kebanyakan adalah Melayu, kes rogol dan jenayah lain juga ramai orang Melayu.

19. Yang gagal dalam perniagaan juga Melayu, tidak bayar hutang Melayu, tak selesaikan kontrak juga Melayu.

20. Gejala jualan AP pun melibatkan Melayu.

- Melayu Sejati

5:29 PM

Anonymous said...
Ni lah pasal Parti UMNO (United Malay National Orgn) tak da nama parti dalam melayu!

Boleh Tun tolong jawab tak, kenapa?

Kah Kah Kah!

5:29 PM

Anonymous said...
Not all concerned Malays are so-called UMNOputras or UMNO-linked cronies.

Yet they are genuinely concerned about the surge in condemnations and threats against so-called pro-Malay policies, especially those articulated by those claiming to be liberal (in fact equally or more "racist") opinion-makers or leaders.

Money talks and those with economic clout are the actual "masters" in Malaysia. Imagine what will happen without counter-balanced policies and programmes.

Non-Malays should not deny the fact that by and large they have progressed tremedously in vitually every field in this country.

Going forward, there's no point making the Malays feel unsafe or insecure.

5:31 PM

Anonymous said...
dear rocky
if you print just the excerpts of the the whole presentations, chances are younger generations would never understand the relevance of pre and post independence and how we achieve it.
Most probably those younger generations who worked in governments,GLCs and bumis companies would never see racism exist and if there are threat them as part of working and living conditions.

Malay middle class nowadays and younger generations listen to more "gossip" blogs and only those create business would actually see how grim is malay economic reality and racism in malaysia and racism among malays!

I think younger or older generations of malays/bumis shouldn't just pickup the excerpt of the whole presentations but read all of it and look around.
chances are if you are living in KL and if you are a malay, you will know what tun M talk about.


5:36 PM

Anonymous said...
I am not a member of any political body. Neither am I a Malay. I am a Muslim. I enjoy the freedom Muslims have in this country,...hope one is aware that you can easily find a mosque or surau when you travel, you hear the sweet sound of muezzein 5 times a day,...not at the expense of those who profess to other religion, who cannot say that they are opressed and not allowed their religion in this fine land called Malaysia. I have never had to raise my hand to defend myself yet, I don't have an enemy in the true sense, just people that can get along with me and those who can't. I don't teach my children to be racist, they have many friends and I have many friends too of other races. I don't speak things that I feel can offend my friends. As long as this practice and manifestation of my religion is not touched upon, i will not be a threat to anyone and I will remain gentle. Transgress them, and I will rise to be a force to reckon. I believe there are many like me out there. Till then, I remain - anonymous. ya Qawey

5:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Twisted facts are for twisted minds and TDM and Perkasa seem to be in the same category. I worked in Malay communities Melaka,Perak and Selangor, enjoying every minute of it for 35 years. During that time I found that the very people who are supposed to render the Malays genuine help were the ones exploiting and cheating them. They were the ones who indulged in UMNO politics. God help the Malay race if this is allowed to continue.

(God's child)

5:54 PM

Anonymous said...
this guy you're calling half Indian DO NOT speak Tamil and had lived with Malays all his life, understood the culture and respected it, be part of it even, and SPOKE THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE very proudly.

Bahasa Kebangsaan pun tak faham, nak cakap pun tak pandai, Rukunegara (Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara) pun tak hormat, nyanyi lagu kebangsaan pun tak betul, tapi nak hak sama.

Ketuanan Melayu tu maksudnya tuan rumah tempat ni Melayu la, bukannya bermaksud Melayu ni semua tuan, korang hamba. Jangan buat-buat tak paham la, korang bukannya bodoh.

..kalau Obama cakap bahasa Kenya dan tak nak belajar cakap American English, korang rasa dia boleh jadi President US ke?

Belajar la Bahasa Kebangsaan, hormat adat resam tuan rumah, fahami niat dan lumrah tuan rumah. Kalau dah macam tu, akan jadi sebati dan korang takkan sibuk dah nak cakap pasal hak tak sama ni. Bos syarikat-syarikat Cina selalu letak syarat 'must be able to speak Mandarin or Cantonese'. Itukan perkauman? Itukan hak keistimewaan yang menidakkan kaum lain? Lepas tu amek orang Cina tanah besar, Taiwan etc untuk kerja. Macam mana nak beza Cina Malaysia dan Cina Taiwan kalau Cina Malaysia tak nak cakap Bahasa Kebangsaan dan tak hormat Rukunegara? Nak bagi kebebasan sepenuhnya cakap bahasa apa2 yang disukai? Kalau macam tu Cina Taiwan pun nak bagi keistimewaan kerakyatan?

Melayu-Melayu urban semua, sedarla diri oi..! Pikir sikit orang kampung sana..!! Orang-orang yang menjana ekonomi negara dengan penglibatan dalam pertanian dan perladangan, orang-orang yang kereta-keretanya hasil keluaran negara sendiri..! Tak payah la nak jadi orang putih sangat, liberal sangat, MAMPU BERSAING sangat. Korang boleh ke didik orang kampung semua supaya lebih konfiden, jumpa pemimpin tak tunduk, kalau orang aniaya tak lawan? Orang-orang kampung yang sopan santun, sentiasa layan orang baik-baik walaupun orang perangai macam cilaka?

Berat sebelah? Come on..! Berapa banyak tanah haram dibuka oleh kaum2 lain yang dapat hak sementara semata-mata sebab ahli parlimen kawasan tu sama kaum? Ini bukan hak keistimewaan ke?

Pikir beb, pikir


5:58 PM

adolf said...
Tun ...this's 2009....Racist provocation like your comment really doesn't work anymore ...

The majority of Malays knew this even beforee Obama was voted US President...

We all united as Malaysian...

6:04 PM

Anonymous said...
"Sekarang orang Melayu tidak pun boleh berkata negeri ini negeri Melayu, tidak boleh sebut negeri ini dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu"

Dr M, are you sure that the indegeneous East Malaysians who joined the formation of Malaysia in 1963 are OK with this statement?

Did they also agree that this country be called the way you stated above?

You should ask the Melanaus, Dayaks, Orang Ulu, Kadazans, Bajaus and the Orang Asli tribes who have been in this country for many centuries. The East Malaysian land mass is definitely bigger than Peninsular Malaysia - though population wise West Malaysia has more people. So, we still can call this huge land mass of Malaysia as Tanah Melayu and want the East Malaysians to accept it?

At your age, you should be more fair in acknowledging the presence and sensitivities of these people also - if you do not want to bother about the Chinese and Indians who call Malaysia their home.

By the way, the island where you got your MBBS - it never calls itself 'the land of ethnic Chinese' although population wise their percentage in that island is far greater than the percentage of Malays in this beloved country of ours.

Come on, be a statesman, No need to play to the tune of Ibrahim Ali who has changed political leanings many times.

You are a better disciplined person. Never joined other parties when sacked in the 60s. Never joined any other party even when you ceased to be an UMNO member recently.

Remain that way. VOICE OUT AND CARE FOR ALL ETHNIC GROUPS IN THIS GREAT NATION-its good for all of us.

Thank you


6:16 PM

Anonymous said...
This mamak p***mak mahathir needs to kicked back to home village in Malabar Coast India. This Mamak ble p***mak is single handedly responsible for racism problem in our beloved country in eagerness to show the Malays that he is more Malay than Malys themselves

ptuuui mahathir


6:19 PM

Anonymous said...
I think those who riled tdm's speech are exactly what tdm meant as malays cannot even talk abt malay issues.

These anti melayu racists are exactly what the good tun is talking about.

Ex sdary

6:24 PM

Anonymous said...
What is Dr M thinks, look around us, corruption is everywhere, billions of tax payer money have been swindled by lawmakers for past 20 years. He was part of this group. The money could have spent to develop northern majority Malay states such as kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah etc Now he is using this opportunity to raly malays behind UMNO which has lost Malay support to achieve his corrupt ambitions through Najib.By what mean Malays will dispossessed?


6:25 PM

Anonymous said...
What is Dr M thinks, look around us, corruption is everywhere, billions of tax payer money have been swindled by lawmakers for past 20 years. He was part of this group. The money could have spent to develop northern majority Malay states such as kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah etc Now he is using this opportunity to raly malays behind UMNO which has lost Malay support to achieve his corrupt ambitions through Najib.By what mean Malays will dispossessed?


6:27 PM

Anonymous said...
MALAYS are not weaker after 50 years.

elitists UMNO is much much stronger and it is a hedgemony!

they control
*the finance of the country
* the print and news media
* the judicial
* the arm forces
* the security forces
* the monarchy

you name it.

Hang Du Ah.

6:30 PM

Anonymous said...
well the melayus need to be reminded from time to time..otherwise they got carried away by the sweet sweet talk of the pendatangs..think they are liberal the time they realised it already too late..
We need Tun more than ever


6:30 PM

Anonymous said...
don't panggil him Firaun ma, Even now he can be consider him as no relevant.

6:33 PM

Anonymous said...
Jamil Ismail @ Jamil Kucing, pemilik blog rupanya musang berbulu ayam.. terbaca pendedahannya di ... patutlah blognya dipenuhi artikel dari blog orang lain (ciplak@tanpa rujuk) dengan maki hamun dan sumpah seranahnya, rupanya dia tengah kegersangan... al batangi penjilat al juburi !!!

6:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Why can't malays just be malaysians...

A malay

6:46 PM

amir said...
Anal said:

"amir ! its about time ? get a grip with ur socio intellio lectio cockosucko from the pressoclubbo . i do respect mahathir . sad ! he aint malay . I rest my case !


What has Dr M's race got to do with his speech? Or anything for that matter?

I don't give a shit if he's half-orc. What he SAID is important.

Who's the racist now?

6:49 PM

Anonymous said...
A more and more fed up Melayu;

I bet, you are not A true malay, you must be a malay mamak, look at yourself, I see the real Malay who have been leaving in Malysia before the arrival of so called "Kaum Pendatang" are different.


6:55 PM

rimbaramburamba said...


6:57 PM

Faridddd said...
Hey Amir

I'm also a younger generation Malay.

I think Dr. Mahathir is wrong and simply trying to split us Malaysians apart, for political mileage (either for Najib or for Mukhriz or both).

I think dalam zaman ini we dont need this 'Melayu terancam' rhetoric anymore... Also we should ban the Biro TataNegara which is also propagating the same nonsense.

We should do away with the Bumi nonsense. Only way to go is to establish loyalty for the country and its people, regardless of race.

That's the only way Malaysia is going to success.

Thank you


6:58 PM

Anonymous said...
The Malays are doomed being led by their "blind" leaders!

By trying to save their "Race" which has been bastardized that anyone who is "Muslim, follow the Malay culture, ..etc " only enrich those constitutional Malay and the elite at the expense of the Country.

The Malays should care more for the country which is multi-racial. If the country prospers then the future of Malay is secured.

If I am non-Malay and wants to enrich myself, I will certainly emulate the great former impostor, Dr. M as Malay.

However, my prognosis for Malaysia is negative because Malay has been brainwashed to be Muslim first, Malay second and as Malaysian last!

SO long as the natural resources are available lets enjoy the gravy train before it stops.

This is the making of a banana state.


7:01 PM

Anonymous said...
Apek2 racists tengah sebuk mencucuk rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak pulak. Sudahla its like they really care about orang2 asli or the indigenous folks konon. If power be in their hands abis hang macam mana China buat Tibet skarang! Rocky, where are the pictures of the properties of these bastard chinamen who helped clean up the rainforest in East Msia? Di semenanjung dok sebuk korek sana sini, di timor sana duk sebuk potong segala pokok. Bangsa penjerhanam betul!

Orang Timur

7:06 PM

Anonymous said...
Inilah dia dilema orang melayu

dihina diinjak oleh bangsa lain

aku dah bosan


7:25 PM

Mamak Penang said...
Too many racial leaders are only willing to defend rights that are personaly important to race they belongs.It's selfish ignorand , and it's exactly why totalitarian goverments are able to get away with trampling on peolple.Who care's about the Nation building and future generation.After 50 years we are still asking quetion and struggling, this great nation is belong to whom?.This politicians quarrel never stop one day this nation will be permanently belongs to an American or a Singaporean!!!!.The neighbour Indonesian and Singaporean are getting more better than us in people unity, economy, sports, education and politics everyday!!!.We are still struggling with this great country belongs to whom ?, what language should be taught in schools? and what is the nation religion ?.

Corrupt and in competent from within the goverment proved unable to defend national intrests or deliver sosial justice.The people began frustrate democracy to preserve thier positions of power and privilege.This failures left a vaccum that the opposition grew to fill.It is nothing wrong with Malays.Chineese or Indians.So who is the culprit ruining this great nation?."Tepuk Dada Tanya Selera"...

7:30 PM

Anonymous said...
The Malays are being dispossessed by their own kind. Who are the beneficiaries of the estimated (by Morgan Stanley) RM 100 billion in leakages from public funds ?

What Mamakthir is afraid of is that the stealing would stop, and that would mean that UMNO can no longer exist.

My Malay brothers understand the situation. They see mansions in Perth, Sydney, London, Singapore, Canada owned by very very rich Malays. These are the traitors who never re-invested their spoils in Malaysia - preferring to invest overseas.

The time has come for a revolution - to kick UMNO out of existence and to bring to justice all those who have stolen from the country.

Allah Almighty keeps Mamakthir alive so that he can see for himself the mess that he created in Bolehland.


7:32 PM

Anonymous said...
how could the malay be strong!

collecting sinful taxes from 4 biggest gambling joints & pig farming in asia...

to finance all their activities.

7:32 PM

Anonymous said...
after 50 yrs of independance Malays cannot find a Malay to tell them that their race is being threatened, they need to hear it from an Indian ....

On the other hand, guilty of his Indian roots, the mamak needs to be more Malay than the Malays themselves....

Sudah la Mamakthir, balik kerala la

7:33 PM

mut said...
This is a scare tactic meant to shore up support for the single most corrupt entity that he led for 22 years and bears the most blame for the Malays' current predicament. With Pak Lah out, he has a chance to exert influence on the political goings on indirectly.

Is Mukhriz any better than Khairy or Khir? I don't anyone of them will improve the lot of the Malays in general, but maybe a small group of UMNO elitists in their circles who make up the list of usual suspects when financial scandals turn up on our headlines from time to time. Oh, and they all sing the same "bela Melayu" theme they have been singing while enriching themselves.

This is what I saw in the years of Mahathir and Pak Lah. 2 x 5. Except Mahathir supporters were pontificating how good it was (for whom I might ask?) under Mahathir.

See how Mahathir then opined that it was Pak Lah who had to undo the one-sided contracts and such that Mahathir signed when he was in power? He never had any regard for anyone's welfare except those whom he could use or his family members. Always have and always will.

The Malays were on their own then, and they are on their own now. Except for UMNO Malays of course. They are either rich, or filthy rich.

Which is why when the idea of a fund for retrenched workers were mooted (estimates were from RM30-40m a month) for a year until the recession (yes, the one idiots in office were in denial about until recently) tides over sometime next year.

Total cost? Under RM500m to provide for basic sustenance of retrenched workers (or until they find employment, whichever sooner).

But somehow this never got off the ground, but some people had no qualms paying a RM400m commission for a submarine contract.

Well, that's UMNO for you !

7:42 PM

donplaypuks® said...
Dear Hero Melayu

I went to 1 system school,learnt BM from Std 1 t L6, never complained about it, enjoyed it, even passed Civil Service exam in 1go in BM inc. M'sian History, and probably speak and write better BM than you. I'm better than Indon coz I speak 3 languages!

The education system was force-changed by Mahathir and today there is hardly any 1 school system. So wtf are you talking about?

And anon 3.19, God bless you too! if you ask me to leave, then you must also ask Dr.M to leave becoz his father was Indian immigrant, but my father was born here!!

7:43 PM

selampit said...
The very law of nature dictates that in any country upon the the surface of this planet, the majority indigenous race calls the shot, not because they're ethnically superior, but because they simply have the majority.

You don't have wander far, just look at our neighbor Singapore. The Malays are being systematically discriminated in the Military service, the public service, culturally and even where the public education is concerned.

Why one must ask?


Here in this country, you could at least discover how some Malays showing sympathy towards non-Malay citizens and vehemently protest policies such as DEB.

But can the same be said about Malays in Singapore? You are more likely to hear about Elvis returning from the grave than you are about Singaporean Chinese showing any kind sympathy towards the Malays.

And unlike the minorities in Malaysia, any Malay in Singapore foolhardy enough to challenge the unjust system will get the taste of the Republic's draconian laws.

In Thailand, what happened when Malays tried to voice out their discontent towards the government? They were shot with live bullets, then packed into trucks like sardines and left to die.

And some yuppies in this country complain that the Malaysian government are treating the non-Malays like '2nd class "Pendatang"'

You go to Chinese or Indian schools, you are allowed to build gargantuan religious structures like one in Batu Caves and to organize world-class religious events; you are exempted from wearing crash helmets because you're a Sikh, in courtrooms interpreters are provided so that you could testify in you mother-tongue, you are free to employ your own race only and advertise it in newspapers.

2nd class pendatang MY ASS!

This is not about "Ketuanan Melayu", this is about a set of special rights enshrined in the Constitution, and these special rights is a not a ticket for Melayu to oppress the minorities, it means that Melayu bears special responsibilities concerning the welfare, safety and livelihood of every citizen regardless of race or skin colour.

Should Malaysia fail as a nation, then you yuppies can go ahead and blame Melayu.

However, since most of you yuppies could still merrily drive to TESCO with a wallet full of credit cards so STOP PLAYING THIS RACIST BULLSHIT.

The Chinese too are blessed with their own special privileges, the economic superiority of overseas Chinese in the Asian Pacific Region means that - through an international network - they have have a huge reservoir of capital, so huge that no race in this region could ever compete with them.

This is ketuanan Ekonomi Cina.

And we Melayu must accept it, and adapt ourselves to it.

7:47 PM

donplaypuks® said...
To Hero Melayu and all anons, take note that Dr M is playing the RACE card so his unpopular can will win in the UMNO elections over KJ.

If what he says is true, then his 22 years in power was a total waste of time, a dismal failure and all the Malays are backward. Can this be even 1% true! Think for yourself and not be manipulated by a RACIST!

But Mukhriz is inexperienced, has little grassroot support, knows next to nothing about politics, economics, finance etc etc and is riding on his father's fame and nothing else. I don't care about KJ either, but WILL NOT accept racist politics!

7:48 PM

malayamuda said...
mahathir saying Melayus have to be careful of others >?

who wacked Anwar Ibrahim ? Pendatang ?

who sidelined Tengku Razaleigh and Musa Hitam ? Pendatangs ?

who corrupted the Judiciary ? Pendatangs ?

who corrupted the civil service ? Pendatangs ?

who corrupted the police and made them pussy lickers ? Pendatangs ?

7:48 PM

IPOHKIA said...
Hi Anonymius comments at 3:19,
If you are a Melayu only, I believe you must have a lot from Mahafiraun, maybe uncountable, and if you claim yourself to be Melayu asli, than you must be the Last Asli that has come out from the jungle, I believe so cos the way you make remarks worse than those coming from Zulu or Zimbahwe. If you are the only left Malay that says Mahafiraun is the person shall be respected, check your tongue, it shall be brown color as well. He built Malaysia to the world, everyones knows that, but he too destry the country, judiciary syatem, cronyism, corruption,and the worse part is destroy the Malay people education so that fewer Malays are as educated as he is, so that npo ones dare to challenge him for the leadership poosition. Look at the opposition today they have abundance of leaders with them, only thing is time are against them to gain experience. As for BN, no quality leaders are available, if so they will frame them out and get those people with brown color tongue so that they don't challenge the leaders.
Back to the anonymous, you are probably not the smart malays but with brown tongue, with grandgylogan english like f....k ...g people who comments, probaby he did not got satisfaction from his wife before he wrote this short note. Anyway you are the one of the Malay that cannot not go far at all without
BN bantuan.
Hidup Rakyat,

8:12 PM

Anonymous said...
The true "racist" speaks loud again. That's all. nothing new from TDM....the creator of all the problems we have now.

8:26 PM

Anonymous said...
What rubbish is this Tun talking about. I thought this country belong to all of us whether we malays or chinese or indian or east malaysian.We have progress so far its because of all the races working togather. I still have many friends as malays who says that Umno is cheating everyone with their racial talk. We supposed to achive wawasan 2020.....but now Tun is talking rubbish an b......t.Wake up everyone this racial talk will only destory the country.dragon

8:28 PM

Anonymous said...
what the use of fighting for power and economic share where the 'cake' is getting smaller. What the point, when we have our malaysian brothers and sisters suffering in this country, common man think how to grapple with a weak economy, with the country facing its first recession in a decade this year than anything else.

8:38 PM

Wira Tempur said...
Aku kehairanan la.. apesal ada yang kata projek memperbodohkan melayu? Tak tau la kalau korang rasa diperbodohkan atau memang terasa bodoh. Kalau apa dia cakap tak betul, yang nak melompat apesal?

ko ni pun satu hal. Memang la x de ketuanan Jepun, Ketuanan India, Ketuanan China..sebab sape yang dah jadi rakyat negara tersebut, dah bercampur dengan baik, cakap bahasa kebangsaan negara tersebut, ikut dan hormat adab resam negara tersebut. Tengokla jiran kita Thailand dan Indonesia. Bukan xde kaum cina dan india atau bangsa lain. Ada je, tapi diorang dah jadi sebahagian negara tersebut. Cuba la ko cari SJK (C) atau SJK(T) kat negara-negara diorang. Ada ke?

Itu maknanya, pemimpin-pemimpin berbilang bangsa kat Malaysia ni sejak merdeka dah bertoleransi. Yang susah nak ikut adalah suku-sakat yang macam ko le. Belajar la hormat. Orang Timur ni penuh adab, dan bila sebut Timur, tu termasukla apa jua bangsa dan negara kat Timur.

Lantak pi la TDM nak cakap pasal memperkukuhkan melayu, bukan melemahkan bangsa lain. Ada ke dia cakap macam tuh? Yang nak melompat sangat apesal?

8:59 PM

Anonymous said...
Maybe I'm clueless, but I haven't seen racism where I live against Malays or Non-Malays. The real problem that exist is the way the political parties play things up all the time. They are making the different races resentful of each other.

Ordinary Malaysian

9:19 PM

Anonymous said...
from those days mahathir uses scare tactics to fear the malays and prevent them from progressing......and he always uses race and religion which they hold dear to their hearts cos he knows thats their weakest point

mahathir.....behave like a statesman....this is not 1925

9:21 PM

Anonymous said...

Kindly recalled the event back in late 80s, it was Anwar that chased out the Brits from the Carcosa to Jalan Ampang. Now he becomes english arseholes licker.

Din Pungkok
Tanah Liat
Permatang Pauh.

9:28 PM

Anonymous said...
I do not understand why YAA Tun feels so insecure. We control the Monarchy, we control the Government, we control the Defence Forces, we control the police, we control the RELA, we control the civil service, we control the GLCs, we control PNB, we control EPF, we control the universities and we contol Bank Negara.

The only thing that we do not control is when we will go up-there.Bumi-Man

9:35 PM

vinnan said...
UMNO lah yang akan mati bukan orang Melayu. Mahafiraun ingat orang Melayu akan lemah dan bodoh selama-lamanya ke?.
UMNO lah yang bodoh dan tidak bermaruah bukan orang Melayu. Nama UMNO pun bukan nama Melayu. UMNO ni Melayu celup aja.

9:35 PM

caravanserai said...
Talk of race again!
Do we ever learn at all?
We are Malaysians
Once and for all

Time moves on
The thinking stays behind
Amongst the older leaders
It is sad to hear it
When we should be Malaysians

United to challenge the world
Borderless now never stop for the weak
Never think alone you will win
It is a different battle field

We must move as one nationality
If the current leaders still harping on race
Here, there and every where
We will be colonized again
By our race running on race

I still remember my kampong life
There wasn't race barrier
Every one playing as one nationality
On the field and weddings

Now it is about race
What's wrong with our leaders?
Can't they just say we are Malaysians?
No Sir.....they still want to talk about race

Maybe we should be colonized again
Then we can go back to our earlier struggles
To understand it better to be free as a nation
Apparently our leaders seem to lose it

We are Malaysians
Living in this peaceful nation
For better or worst
We should stay united as one country one people
Is this so hard to do?

9:53 PM

Anonymous said...
What a load of gibberish from TDM. I think it is best he spent his time at his ranch in Argentina riding horses.

1) Malays represent the largest segment of the Malaysian population

2) As long as the one citizen one vote system prevails, Malays will always be in the majority

3) UMNO is obviously worried as their "monopoly" over Malay representation has been eroded by PAS and PKR

4) Malays have become enlightened and now realise there is life beyond UMNO

5) TDM obviously does not like this as his vested interests (son's contracts in pharmaceuticals etc.) might be unravelled as PR strengthens

6) TDM can't stand the idea of Anwar becoming PM in his lifetime. He even said he will move abroad.

Hence the need to introduce the race card. At the end of the day, Malays are becoming more enlightened and are starting to see alternatives to UMNO. TDM better get used to it.


9:59 PM

Anonymous said...
donplaypuks® said...

I wonder where this racist Firaun got the notion that the Malays cannot call this country theirs. After all, it is named Malay-sia and we all recognize them as they ealiest settlers of Malaysia. I and 99.99% of non-Malays have no problem with this.

Sure overseas, the Chinese, Japanese and Indians call their respective countries China, Japan and India, But, the majority don't have a policy of asking non-ethnic minority citizens to recognise any concept remotely like Ketuanan China, Ketuanan Japan, Ketuanan Inia etc or refer to minorities as 2nd class "Pendatang."

Citizenship confers equality under the Constitution and Laws anywhere in the World. And by these tenets and universal concepts, we should only have a Bangsa Malaysia. Why is not so in practice here? Because of the racist anf polarizing policies effected by Firaun over 22 years, that's why!!

Firaun is still like a needle stuck on a broken record; a racist half Indian recalcitrant who will never change!

Let's not give this Firaun who is a waste of space another moment of consideration, especially since he's trying very hard to push his hugely unpopular Mark II son into the higher echelons of politics!!

2:32 PM

Woi donplaypukis!

Kamu ni dah pernah ke ke Jepun? Betul ke di China tu tak ada 2nd class citizens? Betul ke di India tu tak ada perbezaan kasta rakyatnya?

Kalau kamu ke Jepun kamu ni terus dianggap sebagai Alien!

Jangan la jadi tongong dan bangang nak bandingkan negara lain yang kamu sendiri tak tahu!

Kamu ni lagi racist tau. Bapak racist! Bahlul punya puki. Kerja kamu nak main puki - playpukis!

-tukang perati

10:18 PM

Anonymous said...
Hidup melayu! Time for us to get rid of those racists pro China n communists sympathisers!
These ppl like don't play puks who has nothing good to say abt the malays should be thrown in jail.
Always they ridicule the country's achievements as if they can do better if they're at the helm.
Pure chauvinists to the core.

They had poisoned the minds of children and made them become carbon copies of their racists mind.

They no longer appreciate history. To them, history started from 1969.

Before that was nothing.

Keep on writing Rocky. Ur a beacon in the dark night.

Kua Kia Soong Ai Ling.

10:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Che Det belajarlah pergi ke masjid. Usahlah merepek yang bukan bukan. Kamu yg buat negara ini jadi begini, sekarang kamu nak reverse kan perbuatan kamu. Sudahlah. Jangan sampai rakyat menyumpah kamu lagi.

10:45 PM

kluangman said...
Tun, saya masih Melayu yang berani mengatakan bahawa ini tanah airku, Melayu adalah tuannya dan yang lain lain adalah pendatang.

Kepada pendatang, mereka diucap selamat datang dan selamat sejahtera untuk terus tinggal dibumi bertuah ini, juga negara milik mereka sendiri.

Kamu ada hak sebagaimana hak yang dimaktubkan dalam perlembagaan, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang, tidak dizalimi dan tidak diistimewakan.

Dan yang penting tidak kurang ajar !

10:48 PM

Pasquale said...
Tun may be we can now campaign to revert the name of Malaysia to Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, wshy not nobody respect our good nature as a god and compassionate race!
May be we can ask the Sikh, Indian and the Chinese to reaffirm theor loyalty to the King and the country and the constitution that have made "them" what they are today!

10:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Another divide and rule tactic. The whites in USA will be loosing out because of the Black President?

What an evil person trying to poison the mind of the Malay and making non-malay as a scapegoat.


11:03 PM

Mazlan said...
Dear Anon 3.40pm

This is Anon 2.04pm. Actually my name is Mazlan and I just happen to be Malay (of Minang extraction to be exact)
So before you start whining - please never assume that all Malays are somehow of the view that we are being over-run by Pendatangs.
My question is who are you refering to as Pendentangs? There are many so-called Malays like Khir Toyo who is only a one generation Malaysia - as his parents were born in Java and emigrated here. However near my Kampung there are Chinese and Tamils who are now 3rd and 4th generation Malaysians.

Now I know myself and none of my family have ever yet been insulted or threatened by Chinese or Indian Malaysians. We did get robbed by some Indons 5 years ago - so if you are referring to them by all means I agree.
Now whenever I go back to kampung the family discussion is not about Pendatangs nor do I recall it any conversation with my friends. The conversation is usually about complainst about the government; the toll; worries about the economy and giving our kids a proper education. Now these issues I am sure are the same as that of other ethnic groups. I don't believe for one minute that these issues are caused by Pendatangs.

Now my issue on Pedantags is that we really have relied too much on low value cheap labour from the likes of Indonesia and Bangladesh and should start moving oursleves up the value chain.

As for our Politics - where are we threatened or being disposessed? We have a huge majority Malay Civil Service; Armed Forces; Police and Politicans and a growing Malay middle class? So if anyone is screwing the Malays is it other Malays. One only has to look at who gets government contracts - the same bunch of Malays who just sub-con it out to some poor schmucks.

11:09 PM

Shah said...
We need to hear what those in Sabah and Sarawak say? Are we calling them Pendatang too?

I am just wondering where is this dis-possession taking place? Who really is insulting the Malay race? Who is robbing the country blind? Who is ruining our education system that stops Malay kids from getting a world class education? Who is corrupting the institutions that are meant to assist Malays?

From where I am sitting - it is the very few Malays in position of power who are keeping the loot to themselves and preventing it from reaching those who really need it.

Melayu dari Perak

11:19 PM

Dina said...
hello rocky...

SIAPA yang telah menghapuskan tulisan jawi?

SIAPA yang beria-ia mahu menggunakan bahasa inggeris di dalam subjek matematik dan sains?

SIAPA yang senantiasa mengamalkan polisi setinggan sifar dengan mengusir penduduk di situ yang kebanyakkannya terdiri daripada orang Melayu

SIAPA yang merupakan kroni-kroni yang sentiasa mendapatkan kontrak dari kerajaan tetapi sebaliknya memberikannya kepada bukan Melayu dan sekadar mengambil komisen?

SIAPA yang telah gagal dalam memastikan matlamat 30% pemilikan saham Bumiputera tercapai? (sekarang sekadar 19% sahaja)

SIAPA yang telah memberikan berjuta-juta ekar tanah kepada bukan Melayu untuk dibangunkan sebuah pusat perjudian,kilang2 arak,ladang-ladang babi, UTAR (MCA),Universiti Wawasan (Gerakan) & AIMST (MIC), dll.?

SIAPA yang telah menyebabkan Rezab Tanah Melayu kini semakin susut?

dan macam-macam lagi pengkhianatan yang dilakukan terhadap bangsa sendiri...di mana mereka lebih gemar untuk mengkayakan diri sendiri daripada menolong kaum Melayu yang kebanyakkannya masih hidup susah (sbg contoh dalam post rocky sebelum ini memaparkan sebuah rumah mewah di Canada yang dimiliki oleh seorang anak ketua menteri Sarawak)

...sebagai seorang Melayu,saya cukup meluat melihat pemimpin sebegini yang terus memainkan isu perkauman untuk meraihkan sokongan...


apakah sebab Allah S.W.T. itu mencipta hamba-Nya yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bahasa dan agama?...bukan kita sebagai orang Melayu sepatutnya meletakkan agama Islam itu lebih tinggi darjatnya daripada membangkitkan isu perkauman...

rezeki itu datang daripada Allah S.W.T. dan seseorang hamba itu hanya perlu berusaha..

adakah di akhirat nanti kita akan diadili berdasarkan sejauhmana kita mempertahankan identiti bangsa kita lebih dari pegangan agama kita?


11:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Hate towards Malays are so palpable these days..
and I can only say Malays are so stupid and so divided.. they cannot make up their minds unanimously and cannot direct their future..
Thanks for squandering their support to diffrnt parties, they have compromised their own political future, their own voice in this country. and now u can hear anti-malay racist scoundrels yellin louder and louder with all impunity..

Just check this Tweet I picked up from Twitter..
@jiaxiang: "I hate the fucking malaysian Malays. Malaysian Unity bullshit!"
Can you feel the hatred spewing..
and these are the type of ppl are now voicing for changes in malaysia.. their changes, allowin them to stamp on everything malay.
This is not a change they demand to rid corruption etc which every1 is wanting.. this is much more..

11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey !
The senile old man is barking again !

Dr M says Malays are under threat

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, March 22 - Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad played the race card today, warning the Malays could lose their political power.

The former prime minister told a gathering of more than 1,000 at a rally organised by right wing Malay group Perkasa that the community...............
Blah….blah……blah……….SHIT !!!!!!!!!! Stink !!

March 22, 2009 11:07 PM

11:52 PM

Tulang Besi said...
Malays dun have a problem with Arabs, Indian muslims, philipinos, indons.. etc etc
These are ppl who show example of integration into Malay society..
They adopted culture, language of the Malays..
There are many arabs.. now traced amongst malays.. speak malay and practice malay culture..
u dun see them don in tarbush and jubbah walking on city streets..

11:56 PM

Anonymous said...

11:58 PM

Anonymous said...
Alahai Hamid Jilbab! Apolah kau bangang sangat.
Hishamuddin Aun sibuk dgn girlfriend baru... namonya eh Audrey. Sbb tu Hishamuddin skrg rambut hitam legam, Syed Nazri...kaki mabok, Kamrul Idris...kaki betina - namonya eh Joan Lau. Bilo editor2 Melayu lupo diri, baru betul pesanan Mahathir tu.
Di New Straits Times, Lee Ah Chai, Lionel Morais sampai hari ini ambil arahan dari Brendan Pariah tu. Sebabnya Syed Nazri mengantuk dan tak tahu apo berlaku di NST.
Berita paling penting bagi agen2 Singapura ini - untuk memburukkan Islam dan menjatuhkan maruah orang Melayu. Contoh terbaik - Berita Murtad perlu dipakai besar. Berita Hindraf dan gangstar Hindu mesti diutamakan.
Berita Umno dan kepentingan org Melayu tidak penting bagi Syed Nazri dan kawan2 dia.
Syed Nazri dengan bangganya menaikkan pangkat golongan anti-Melayu yang semua di NSTP tahu adalah talibarut Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan dan Brendan Pariah.

Alahai Hamid Jilbab Lembab...Den nak muntah, kau cakap pasal...So what if the New Straits Time is run by Malaysians, tak kira bangsa atau agama, asalkan kesetiaan mereka itu terletak pada tanahair ini?
Apa salahnya editor NST tu Melayu atau Cina atau India, selagi dia itu sayang pada seluruh warganegara Malaysia dan bertugas secara beretika dan tidak menunduk kepada mana-mana kuasa atasan tapi cuma untuk kebenaran dan keadilan?

Malangnyo, Cino dan India di NSTP nak jahanamkan Islam dan Melayu dengan disokong dan didokong Umno Paklah ni. Kalau Najib pun macam tu jugak... mako tepatlah sekali pandangan Mahathir tu.


12:13 AM

Parpu Kari said...


12:20 AM

Anonymous said...
Agenda penghasut dari kaum bukan melayu memang sudah ujud lama semenjak zaman Lim Kit Siang menjadi AP.Beliau menunggu dengan tekun dan sabar sehingga beliau mendapat sokongan dari melayu2 bangsat seperti Anwar,Zaid,Haris Ibrahim,Tunku Aziz etc...

Tugas mereka kini lebeh mudah kerana bangsat2 dari kaum melayu inilah akan menjual negeri.

Apa yang Dr Mahathir katakan adalah perkara yang benar dan hanya apa yang bangsat2 ini boleh lakukan adalah melemparkan kata2 kesat kearah pemimpin melayu yang agung.Dan ia mendapat sokongan dari bangsat2 bangsa sendiri...dan bangsat2 melayu ini tidak menyedari bahwa mereka telah di-tunggang kudakan oleh kaum2 pendatang.Mereka sudah hilang arah hanya kerana kebencian mereka terhadap UMNO.

Sanggup sungguh mereka bersekongkol dengan pendatang yang sudah nampak kurang ajar mereka terhadap raja2 melayu dan selalu menimbulkan kontroversi terhadap ugama Islam.

Pendatang tidak akan suka melayu bersatu kuat dan teguh.Ini kita mesti kena ingat!

12:21 AM

Parpu Kari said...





12:28 AM

Anonymous said...
Mahathir is more malay than any stupid liberal malays in this country...

Go read the defination of Malay in Federal Constitution..he is constitutionally a malay..

Legally speaking..Karpal Singh definately must agreed on this too..otherwise he can suck his own cock to practice as a lawyer..

long live racistness..may the best racist win..

Hello.. u ultra decendant of ungrateful pendatang already started this game full swing since Mac 8 2008, along the way since that, you people pick up too much bone already..still not enough..? so greedy & so ambitious...really too much..

There is no turning back now...too late..just continue to play lah..why? lost balls or ball shrink already? Hoping Pak Lah to remain..? dream on..the force is too strong..thanx to you fucking ultra-decendant-of-ungrateful pendatang suckers..

:D muhahahaha...

p/s: i can sense the force is coming back & the ultra pendatangs now starting to shiver in fear..najib is just the catalyst of the whole chemistry.. soon...those ultra tongkang & ultra pariah shall reap what they had sow.. u people sucks big time..

btw, like amir too..i'm also a young malay generation ..Mahathir do speaks my tune..

if they say he is a be it.. if not becoz of Hitler, the Deutch would not have a Deutchland to call for & forever economically remain under the control of the jews in their own deutchland..

-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

12:54 AM

BrightEyes said...
Cut the bull, Rocky... everyone knows 'Perkasa' is just another AstroTurf group filled with UMNO people like Ruhanie Ahmad & Dato' Fuad Hassan. Same thing with groups like 'Pekida' & 'Pewaris'.

What's with Tun M? First he's talking about Malaysian unity, then next minute he is championing communal interests like this. It appears Badawi isn't the only one worth of the "Flip-Flop" title...

1:18 AM

monsterball said...
Mahathir...the tongue twister is at his best...trying again to arouse and fanning race issues.
I guess he will never be a True Malaysian but a race Malaysian talking cock and bull of history.
His ortak is torn between an Indian and Malay.

1:26 AM

Anonymous said...
Bro. Kepada yang malu sebagai seorang Melayu Islam. Tukaq nama pada David Limmamfoue Omtimus Alexdra dan tukaq ugama. Be one of them.

Kepada non Malays, from yr comments, confirmed apa yang Mahathir adalah benar.



1:30 AM

BrightEyes said...
Anyway, just to add. If Tun M and the Perkasa fellows want to know who or what is responsible for the "state of the Malays" today, they should go to the PWTC restroom and look at the mirror.

After all, he had over 20 years in running this country.

No need to try and plant an us-vs-them mentality in the masses...

1:33 AM

Anonymous said...
The Tun overlooked:

a. The Malays form about 23% of the population in Sarawak
b. The Melanaus form only around 6% of the local population there.
c. The CM, a Melanau, has been in power for more than a quarter century.
d. The 'fantastic' management of Sarawak's rich resources has gained worldwide reputation with the latest one about this CM's daughter & son-in-law having a very 'modest' accommodation in Canada.

How come, Dr M did not sound out about the inequality and the concentration of power with the Melanus even though Malays are in higher numbers in that state?

Simply because the other Bumiputras (Bidayuh, Iban and Orang Ulu - who are mainly non-Muslims) are in greater numbers (around 49%) of the population there...and so as long as these Bumiputras do not enjoy the 'fruits of development' equitably like the CMs family and his Melanau group, its OK for Malays there to keep quiet and not claim their fair share?

If Dr M really cared, he should have done something like the magic he engineered in Sabah - position the Malays in a more commanding position in the state government.

For now, Dr M should be able to see the big picture and speak for the poor and underpriviliged in all the communities that call Malaysia their home - instead of selectively focusing narrowly on one ethnic group.

By confining his thoughts and concerns for Malays in Peninsular Malaysia, he is likely to incur the wrath of the other Bumiputras in this country who also need help from the BN government at Federal level and in East Malaysia.

Its best that these remaining power strongholds are managed by BN through fair outlooks and policies.

A statesman like Dr M should lead the way at his age with more broad thinking.

But if he has his own personal agenda, so be it. Not all can be like Bapa Malaysia - despite his weaknesses.


1:33 AM

Anonymous said...
The Whites cannot even defend themselves; if they meet and talk (to defend themselves), they are called racists."

So Japan has Ketuanan Japanese rights, China has Ketuanan Chinese rights, Korea has Ketuanan Koreans rights and Britian has Ketuanan British rights?

i don't think Non-Malay is attacking the Malay rights that stated in the constitution, it is the narrow and evil minded leaders trying to rule the Malays by accusing the Non-Malays.

Do you think just by speaking the the same language and under the same school system, all people will be united under one roof?

If that's so, there is no need to have Malays in opposition parties and no need to have opposition parties in the countries that speak the same language and have the same school system.

It won't be suprised that younger generation of the Non-Malays can speak and write better Bahasa Malaysia with intellectual context than Malays and at the sametime they master the widely sponken languages in the World.

Let's compete with world not wasitng time figthing with each other in the Kampung.


1:45 AM

Old Fart said...
I only read the heading ..The rest of it would have been a total waste of time.

Why is it the leaders of UMNO especially and many who think they have a leadership role within the Malay community like to talk in terms of Malays being an endangered species who need specific protection?

UMNO as well as Malay leaders like Mahathir seem to find their own relevance within the greater Malay community only because, they seem to think the Malays are in a state of war. The Malays have enemies. More specifically the non-Malays in Malaysia are the greatest threat to their very survival. So it is imperative that the Malays unite.

This is repeated over and over again by UMNO and its leaders, past as well as present. And strangely enough PAS too renders the same mantra.

Why is this so?

Is it because UMNO as well as its leaders as well as PAS and its leaders think, or maybe know, that for the Malays there is really no need for leadership and they do not really look towards leaders as Islam after all makes them all the same? Is it because within the Malay psyche the need for communal leadership is only necessary at a time of strive when their enemy is at their door?

Dispossessed says Mahathir. But dispossessed by whom? Is it not truer to say that for the larger Malay community, if they have been dispossessed of anything at all that has been due to them, it is because UMNOPutras have hijacked what ever for their own personal profit?

Is it not truer to say that UMNO and its leadership know that at a time of peace and harmony the Malays will not look towards any kind of leadership and that would mean they lose their hold on the larger Malay population?

Is it not true to say that the repeated reminder to the Malay people that they have to work towards Malay Unity and statements like that made by Mahathir threatening that the Malays can be dispossessed, that the reference point are the non-Malays who for UMNO and their leaders have to be forever painted as the Malays' natural and lifelong enemy?

It would seem like there is a better chance that the Palestinians might sue for peace with Israel a lot more easily and sooner too than the insecure Malay leaders within UMNO and PAS for whom their relevance as leaders can only be explained by the presence of perceived enemies!!

What is sad, is even people like you Rocky, are perpetuating this myth. Why can't you use this blog to declare to the Malays that there is really nothing to fear? That we are all actually equals in every which way?

2:12 AM

Killer of Racist Monkeys said...
>>donplaypuks 2:32 PM
>> Let's not give this Firaun who is a waste of space another moment of consideration,

You and similar BANGSAT MALAYSIA types are so scared of Tun Mahathir ya... HAHAHA! Well, piss away in your pants - the backlash is here!!

No, let's not give the BANGSAT MALAYSIA another moment of consideration. Yes, these are the damn racists who are trying so hard to take over Malaysia. Remember how these damn MONKEYS bring out bumiputera, ketuanan rakyat and other racial and religious issues after last year's GE?... The Malays were confused then... BUT THEY NOW KNOW THE DECEIT... The good days for the Bangsat Malaysia are over - SLASH OFF THE HEADS OF THESE RACIST MONKEYS!

2:19 AM

Yuss said...
Bukankah perjuangan sebelum merdeka, Putera-AMCJA telah bersetuju bahawa wajah sebenar negara merdeka nanti ialah melalui kewujudan 'bangsa Melayu' dan semua kaum yang lain bersetuju dengan idea ini melalui Perlembagaan Rakyat mereka? Sehingga terjadinya hartal yang disertai oleh semua kaum pada 1947?

Tetapi siapakah yang merubah dan memecah-mecahkan perbezaan wajah rupa antara kaum di negara kita? Idea siapakah yang mengasing-asingkan hubungan kaum kita sekarang ini? Bukankah UMNO?

UMNO itu Melayu, bukan? Pikirkan siapakah yang menjarakkan dirinya daripada kaum lain kalau bukan kerja Melayu itu sendiri.

Disebabkan terciptanya nama negara Malaysia, tidak salah kita memandang kewujudan bangsa Malaysia pula.

Bukankah kita sudah ada perlembagaaan yang terus menjamin kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu? Kenapa pula kita perlu risau?

Jika Melayu itu pribumi, Orang Asli pula apa? Siapa hak kita mengasingkan maksud perkataan pribumi ini dari dalam jiwa orang Orang Asli? Katanya asli... asal... pribumi... bukan?

2:21 AM

Anonymous said...
And read this Jed Yoong article, supposedly claiming to be from a superior race? She must be dreaming!!

A superior race who had no choice but to MEREMPAT di Tanah Air orang LAIN! Very strange?

Hope they are not bullshiting their younger generations in SJKC here that they were decendents from the Emperors Palaces!!

Hehawhehaw... misplaced diasporas berangan Emperors!!


3:32 AM

Anonymous said...
What can you say..

for someone who associate himself with the greatest court jester of all time (non other than katak Ibrahim Ali)?

Gua caya lu?

-malay obama

3:41 AM

nonmalaybumi said...
Racist zealots like Mahathir need a crash course in non-replacement history of Malaysia.

May I suggest researchers like Dr Farish Noor ( those who are not obessed in malice or head-hunting "orang putith" to absolve themself of hidden sins within their peoples.

Study the real historical facts of Malays, Proto-Malays and the Orang Asli indeginious Malays objectively. Truth unlike selectivism and replacement history will bear investigation.

It is no dark secret or racist to state the fact that various Malays of this country were at one point migrants from Sumatra, Java, Polynesia, Mongolia, China and various different parts of the world.

Our first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman himself admitted to this stating that his ancestry was not from within the peninsular. Interestingly enough, local tourist brocheurs only to give history after the fourteen century. And this too with great distortions and unbalance.

There is a pernicous attempt to conceal the history and history records of Indian civilisation in Kedah, called "Kedaram" in Sanskrit as early as the 9th century.

Similar kingdoms were in Malacca and Singapore. The Chinese civilisation in this region and communities had inter-married and had strong cultural roots and ties for centuries. Such records have been neglected and in some cases concealed.

The "ketuanan Melayu" (Lordship of Malay race over all other races in Malaysia), is liken to antisemetism and Nazism. It is a dark and malicous agenda that raised its ugly head many times before Independence. If left unchecked it will bring our beloved nation to ruin.

These racists are Malay zealots and chauvinists who want to eridatcate any trace or evidence of historical and cultural realities of non-Malay history, culture and tradition in Malaysia.

The have attempted this through racial politics, intimidation, goverment assisted civil unrest such as the May 13th 1969 incident,Constitutional ammendments and by the continued call for non-Malays to sacrifice their language and culture and traditions.

At the same time they declare that the Malay language is "jiwa bangsa" or life essence of their race. So, are non-Malays in this country to sacrifice their life-essence for the sake of this so-called unity?

Uniformity is a false and distorted notion of unity. Any attempt to subjugate a people or deligitimize their language cultural identity is a step to ethnic-cleansing.

Keris waving Umno zealots have privately and publically called for the shedding of Chinese and Indian blood. Such posturing mocks the tolerance the races have embraced since its independence.

Such threats are a familiar echo of what happened in Egypt, East-Timor and and Muluku Islands. Islamic government-controlled regimes there carried out goverment-santioned ethnic cleansing in the name of religion, race and country.

It is subtle tune Malaysians have been been indoctrinated with.

Mahathir made similar racist calls not only against non-Malays and non-Muslims, but against the whole Jewish community, asking why "brother Muslims countries" could not "finish them.

Such renowned racists who condemn all peoples and cultures of the West as well as non-Muslims should not to be called statesmen, but cowards who need to be rejected in the strongest possible term.

Let the voice of all peace-loving Malaysians be heard above the den of racist mobs, and let the real spirit of brotherhood and ketuanan bangsa Malaysia rise above these bloodlust protagonists.

4:29 AM

Anonymous said...
I think Mahathir is trying to fan the racial card and trying to blame the Chinese educationist for the fiasco of the school Wawasan concept is a very little too mush. I presume he must be canvassing for his son for a place in the UMNO's election and why must he blah,blah blah the Chinese when infact it is the policy of the UMNOputra that is segregating the whole scenario.Such a cheap publicity does not play the trick anymore!!!

4:55 AM

wah@janggo said...

if the minorities n previously immigrants pull any of the shit in china, india or japan that the their counterpart here pull, in india n china there'll probably blood bath, in japan thay won't have any of the problem bcoz the immigrants will not be citizens in the first place and would have been chased out of japan at the earliest opportunity.


5:06 AM

Anonymous said... from Times Online United Kingdom

From The Sunday Times
March 22, 2009
Arms deal link to death of model

Really interesting!!!.

A Ayer

5:50 AM

Laser Blade said...
Mahathir is right all along. Look at these ALIENS who refuse to be real bangsa Malaysia, instead they are more like Bangsat Malaysia. Mahathir, inspite of his already diluted Indian blood has become a Malay, that is why the Malays accept him. If you guys want to be accepted, then do like him ....and we will accept you like we accept him ....if not, then we prefer that you guys leave our beloved land NOW!!!

I have messages here for some commentators:

Equaliser - double ptuuui to you, a**ho*e!!

Sembian - your English sucks ...pls go back to school and re-learn your English ....btw, when you comment, pls don't just comment as you like without facts, stoopide!!!

Anon 6.33 pm - you're a coward hiding behind you anon 'mask'! Be thankful that TDM was M'sia's PM...Malaysia is respected because of him ...don't deny it, you racist, just because his name does not start with a Tan or Lim or Chee....

Melayutulin - Spot on! Actually these morons who condemn Tun are scared of him .....haha, they have nothing else to do, they condemn him ...

Long live Mahathir and Mahathirism.

7:51 AM

Anonymous said...
Sini Malaysia. Cakaplah Bahasa Malaysia. Yang bukan Melayu, berhenti dari berpura-pura. Yang Melayu berhentilah dari berpura-pura. Korang semuanya bodoh, sebab lebih pentingkan politik dari penyelesaian yang adil kepada semua; termasuk orang Melayu.

Sebab politik semua berpura-pura.

Yang Cina berpura-pura kata sayangkan Malaysia tapi berangan macam orang Singapura.

Yang India berpura-pura ingin maju tapi masih sayangkan cara lama - India dan Samy Velu.

Yang Melayu berpura-pura nak bela bangsa tapi merekalah yang perosak bangsa.

Yang Islam berpura-pura adil tapi sebenarnya mereka munafik.

Yang kononnya Adil berpura-pura sebab ada buat kesalahan yang busuk.

Itu sebab sekarang ni Malaysia nampak teruk, walaupun banyak hasil bumi dan diberkati tuhan tampa sebarang mala petaka.

Kalau tuhan turunkan bencana barulah korang semua tahu.

7:52 AM

Apocryphalist said...
A timely state-of-the-affair speech by a well-oiled statesman. Like it or not, that’s the truth and more succinctly, it’s not just a lament: it’s a wake-up call for ACTION.

To some people, the mere idea of the malays getting together back again under a common reason and platform, after years of trying hard to tear them apart by political ideologies, is reason enough to make them piss in their pants.

Tun is right. The malays now are apologetic at best, and ashamed (of their own race) at the most. They are even ashamed of the Keris: as much as the Keris is the emblem of “Keperkasaan Melayu” and symbol of modern malay unity, the Keris-waiving-incident also have been deemed to be a symbol of “malay superiority via bloodbathing”, an incident or happening boogeymanned en masse to the point that they believe it to be true.

But ah, what can the other side seek to do? Naturally, all efforts, seminars, meetings, get-togethers or conferences that seek to bring this realization to the fore for the malays, is always deemed in negative light. Ridicule it they must. Lessen the magnitude of their calls they must.

And so we have it, in reverse pychology, (or plain reverse) form:
1. The Melayus practise apartheid.
2. The Melayus are pendatangs.
3. The Melayus seek to enrich only one race in the country
4. The Melayus seek only to educate one race at the expense of the other races.
5. The Melayus are the sources of corruption, and therefore all crimes, in the country
6. The Melayus are racists

The above falsehood of course, do not hold water amongst the general Malaysian populace here, for everybody knows that:
1. Apartheid is a case of a minority people wielding power governing a bigger majority through undemocratic means. Whoops! Terbalik!
2. Pendatangs? Err… self explanatory, this one
3. Yes. They seek to enrich a mass of people who have too long been poor in their own country, while the true pendatangs have usurped and massed an untold amount of wealth that this TANAH MELAYU seem to offer
4. Like wise in the field of education. Without a balanced effort on the part of the government, only the rich non-malays could enjoy high education
5. Corruption and Crimes? Not if you sit back and think who it was that introduced gambling, liquor, pornography, street prostitution, rumah urut, 4D numbers, conniving multi-level schemes and almost all forms of vices in this country. The malay muslims? And also: for every corruptee there is a corruptor. And who originated this budaya in the first place here?
6. And of course lah, racism is only when the malays start to solidify their losing stand. Cases of racism TO the malays mulitiplied a thousand-fold by the other party is NOT racism.

Second strategy, if it doesn’t hold water here, then it probably will in foreign countries. So off they go and disseminate these lies elsewhere. I was surprised one day when I was asked by a foreign counterpart, “Apocryphalist,” (like you believe that he calls me Apocryphalist), “is it true that your country is …. (such and such, fill in your own blanks…”. It was only after careful explanation that he now undersands what is really going on in this country.

Moral is, boys and girls: please do your part in negating these falsehoods that have been broadcasted and disseminated to those outside our country. Yes, you may buy your light bulbs or pump in your gas for your car from these people, but these are the very ones who will not hesitate to spread falsehood to the foreigners at the very first opportunity they get. Say an American or a British expat or diplomat were to come here. After the business dealings the locals decide to bring them to unwind at the Karaoke or dine somewhere. Almost always, the topics of “welcome to Malaysia” talks would in high probability be about the unfairness that they feel as a citizen here in this country. The diplomats would probably be puzzled in his mind when he steps out and sees that the objects of spite that have been pounded upon them are the ones who are of less fortune than the karaoke-patrons themselves, but by that time, enough damage has been done already. The malays, unfortunately, will forever be portrayed as perpetrators by these devious minds. Ha’ah. Go ahead laaa oppose PPSMI lagi.

Third strategy: divide and conquer the already-bickering-among-themselves malays. How? Simple. Replace the word “Melayus” in the above list with “UMNO” or “BN” and there you have it: a solid, well-oiled and staunch symbol of anything you love to hate about. The rest is history and you can see the results right here in these pages.

Which brings me to a point which I dearly would not want to miss. Folks, it seems also that there is a strategy to …. much in the manner of the accursed Abdullah bin Salul at the time of the Prophet Muhammad … to pretend to be a malay. In the anonimity provided by the vast world of cyberspace here, one can pretend to have malay names, write in malay, swear in malay, but one really is not. I read and suspect and have come to the conclusion that there are many cases like this especially in blogsites that have been frequented by lots of malays. The aim is of course obvious: to portray that malay-hating views are not spurred by non-malays alone, but by malays as well.

There will be more calls like these to condemn and belittle ANY effort made to unite and strengthen the malays back again. The stronger these efforts are made, the louder still the voice of condemnation will be. Hadi’s call to have some kind of “Unity Government” have already made some people, including a certain Ketua Mentri, pissing in their pants.

For the malays, we don’t have much choice on where to go, except forward in this case.

8:13 AM

Anonymous said...
Malaysia hari ini lebih sofistikated. Melayu, India, Cina, Kadazan, Bajau @ Melanau semuanya hebat dan bijak belaka.
Zaman Internet kini membuat rakyat dapat menilai baik buruk sesuatu perkara termasuk hal2 agama bangsa serta sosio ekonomi dan politik negara.
Apa yang dikatakan Tun Dr Mahathir ada kebenarannya tetapi sudah terlambat kerana ada Melayu yang Islam dan Melayu yang membelakangkan agama.
Tidak ketinggalan juga Melayu yang berpegang kepada agama dan lupa agama yang menyimpang daripada landasan agama kerana kepentingan peribadi sehingga Melayu berpecahbelah dan diambang kehancuran.

Melayu Mudah Lupa

8:43 AM

Laser Blade said...
Sorry Rocky, this is a bit out of topic but it is still relevant.

In Europe, when someone wants to be a citizen of a European country, that person will have to sit for a Citizen Test. If the said person fails the test, then the prospect of being the citizen of that country is nul, zilch, zero. In the Citizen Test, one is tested on the proficiency of the National Language, the culture, or anything that would give the authority the confidence that the person can be a good citizen of the country and be able to integrate. THERE IS NO FREE CITIZENSHIP .....Even if you're given a citizenship, it does not mean that you can criticise anything you want ....hey, you come to people's country, must look at yourself in the mirror first and then ask yourself if you have the criteria to criticise ....Just take an example, if you do it in France, the native French will tell you straight your face, NOT HAPPY HERE? GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM OR FROM WHERE YOUR ANCESTORS CAME FROM. In Europe normally by the second generation, the children of the immigrants are able to speak the National Language well, sharing the same mentality with the rest of the population and even adopt the culture ....there isn't any special school for any race, just one normal, National schools ..

Btw, according to my sources, the Chinese community in France don't make a lot of noise, they just do their job quietly and earn as much money as they can (as usual). They actually know where they stand (smart of them)....These Chinese do not insist that they have their SRJK(C) or whatever ....Their children go to National Schools learning the National Language of their adopted country and not the National Language of China, that goes the same for the Indians...

I can only say good riddance ...or should I say PADAN MUKA !!! Serve you guys right !!!

8:52 AM

Anonymous said...
Tulisan anda sahaja membuktikan apa yang ditulis oleh Yang Berbahagia Dr.M benar! Saya malas mengungkit isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan perlembangaan dan hak istimewa orang Melayu yang sengaja diungkit-ungkit oleh golongan anda! Kalau anda tidak terbaca 'that's your problem!'Apa yang lebih menyakitkan hati kami ialah mengapa hal-hal yang tidak berkaitan dengan anda semua seperti hal-hal berkaitan agama Islam turut dicampur tangan? Antaranya isu pengharaman yoga bagi umat Islam? Mati-matian hendak guna kalimah Allah. Apa sudah tidak ada istilah yang lebih berkesan dalam agama tersebut? Apakah kami orang Islam ada mengganggu hal ehwal agama, budaya dan bahasa kamu? Negeri China dipanggil negeri China, begitu juga negeri India, Jepun, Korea, dll tidak timbul masalah kerana kaum minority sedar diri dan tahu berterima kasih kerana dibenarkan tinggal di negara tersebut.! Kami memang amat memerlukan ingatan dari Yang Berbahagia Dr.M selalu untuk mengingatkan bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh golongan yang tidak berterima kasih!

Rakyat setia

8:55 AM

Laser Blade said...
For those who condemn the Malays (and Mahathir) ... I have something to tell you people.

Chinese and Indians are afraid of the unknown inspite of their rhetorics, their false bravado.

They are very cruel towards their children in the sense that they prefer to segregate them since young from the Malay masses. Hence, their reluctance to abolish the SRJK(C) and SRJK(T) schools ...they even refuse the Wawasan Schools ...see, how cruel they are!! They say that they are MALAYsians, but they prefer to speak the National Languages of China and Tamil Nadu and they have the cheek to say that they are Anak Bangsa Malaysia ...what a joke ...Anak Bangsat Malaysia is more appropriate ..they can't even speak the National Language of Malaysia properly, some can't even speak it...Hey, be like Mahathir lah ...You bloody people call him "Mamak Kutty" to insult him, but he became a true Malay until he could become the PM of M'sia ...See, who is more stupid? Mahathir or you people ?

Untuk orang orang Melayu yang tak sedar diri, yang mengutuk dan menghina Mahathir, sedar lah siapa yang memberi kesejahteraan pada bumi Malaysia ini dengan pencapaian yang sangat baik dari segi ekonomi dan sosial semasa Mahathir menjadi PM dulu ...Maruah Malaysia juga baik semasa dia memerintah .....Jangan lah lupa daratan dan meghentam orang yang seagama dengan awak awak semua. Mahathir memang betul, Melayu Mudah Lupa.

9:23 AM

Red said...
Has anyone actually read the text of TDM's speech?

Stop twisting this discussion to racist discussion. It is not about racism!

His topic is about the The Malay Integrity. As a Malaysian, I can appreciate it. I see his frustration and felt it too.

Please read about carefully before commenting!

10:31 AM

Johorean said...
Malays are afraid of their own shadow.

Only Malays decide their own future, no matter what the non-Malays said or don't say.

They control the government,almost all important ministries, military, police and civil servant, GLCs, local government, almost in total.

Malays can virtually do what they want given the above.

Also, one or two DAP who hold opposite view of NEP being
"apartheid" to diffrential bumi and non-bumi among fellow Malaysians do not represent the majority of Chinese view. Very few Chinese question the rights of the Malays. After all these years, they have already accepted.

10:33 AM

Anonymous said...
Melayu, bangsa ku. Masih tidak sedar.

If you are weak, you will be conquer. Simple as that. In a war, it is the strategy that matter the most, not the size and strength of the army.

If you want other races to bow to our Ketuan Melayu, then we ourselves have to buck up. Stop politicking so much.

Seek education. Do not be a jaguh kampung. Learn from other races. Bila cakap biarlah bertempat dan 'know your stuff'. Jangan asyik bergantung kepada NEP, sebab Melayu dapat preferential treatment. Itulah yang makan diri sendiri. Kaum-kaum lain tidak hormat sebab kita bukan self made. Kita bergantung kepada kerajaan untuk berjaya.

Berapa banyak Melayu yang betul betul berjaya tanpa bantuan kerajaan? Berapa Melayu yang berjaya di luar negara? Orang Melayu patut sedar, tanpa bantuan pun kita boleh berjaya. Jika orang Cina/India boleh, mengapa kita tidak boleh? Saya dari keluarga yang miskin. Ayah belajar dari jiran Cina. Education must be first. Education is our break from the poverty cycle. Betapa susah, Ayah akan memastikan pendidikan anak-anak adalah utama.

If you know your stuff, people will respect you regardless of race and creed. Diligence, hardworking, honesty, integrity...all these values are universal. It transcends boundaries.

Sedarlah Melayu. Jika hendak orang lain hormat kepada anda, pastikan anda cerdik pandai. Jangan jadi tin kosong.

We get promoted because of our skin color but not what is in our brains. We get promoted because we are smart at apple polishing/politicking, not because of our skill sets. We are becoming a laughing stock. There is a joke that every successful Malay, he/she has a good team of Chinese/Indian to back him/her up. No wonder we are forever frown upon by other races as the 'lucky but stupid' race.

So tell me, what is the point of telling us Malay to unite if we ourselves do not change our mindset. As long as we view it is our God given birthright to rule Malaysia because we are Malays, we will lose our right to rule.

Bangunlah Melayu, bangun.

Said Mahmood

10:37 AM

Propagator said...

I bet that nuumbskull donplaypuks
has never been anywhere and is the an example of proverbial 'katak bawah tempurung'.

No immigrant citizen in any other
country enjoys as much freedom and
liberty as in Malaysia.

ahmad iqbal azim

11:09 AM

ik said...
brothers and sisters, melayu / bukan melayu,
Perkasa ni sapa taja, ini parti politik raja katak ke?
kadang2 ahli politik melayu sendiri yang memperlekehkan orang melayu, seolah2 melayu ni lemah sangat lah, tak boleh fikir secara waras...tapi ada juga melayu macam tu, terlalu ikut perasaan.
Saya hormat Dr M kerana usia dan otak beliau, tapi saya rasa beliau patut diberitahu sudah2 lah, stop playing to the wrong gallery.

Melayu hybrid

12:05 PM

Nevada said...
apabila UMNO tersepit, maka mereka menggunakan kad melayu. mereka cuba menakut2kan orang2 melayu yg pada mac 2008 telah tidak lagi memangkah UMNO. mereka memberi amaran bahawa jikalau UMNO lemah maka orang melayu hilang penjaganya.

kepada UMNO: boleh belah.

orang melayu harus belajar bahawa tanpa UMNO orang melayu boleh survive. apa, lemah sangatkah org melayu sehinggakan tanpa UMNO mereka tidak boleh survive langsung?

kepada UMNO sekali lagi: boleh belah.

apa yang mahadir ucapkan hari ini, bersama2 makhluk yang dia pernah suspend sebagai ketua bahagian pasir mas, adalah semata2 untuk perwakilan memberi undi kepada anaknya mukhriz. tidak lebih dari itu. kerana mukhriz juga menggunakan kad melayu.

12:28 PM

Anonymous said...
The only thing the Malays need to worry about 'ditindas' are from among their own.

What's with the paranoia about other races are out to get them?

12:29 PM

Anonymous said...
"Bos syarikat-syarikat Cina selalu letak syarat 'must be able to speak Mandarin or Cantonese'. Itukan perkauman?"

I think that's a skillset, not really a racial issue. If a company have dealings with China or Taiwanese companies, I'm sure its employees are required to be able to converse in those languages.

12:34 PM

Shadowline said...
"Like any good newsman, I believe that if you're not scared, I'm not doing my job." -Stephen Colbert


12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
Clear statement of the problem. We have been lulled into not seeing it clearly.

It's not easy to reduce the complex set of problems we face into simple statements, and only he can do it, as he has again with simple statements of the truth that drives home the point.

His advice also brings out the genius of the man, that we should retain our independence completely and we should follow the wisdom of our hearts, not the wisdom of the world which dominates the West and their local agents!


1:18 PM

Shariff said...
I am amazed that tun is still selling this whole Foreign Conspiracy theory?
The only thing that moves any race forward is 'education; education; education!'
Do you really believe non-Malays are gathering together plotting the downfall of the Malay race? The only people doing that are a small group of Malays who just want wealth to themselves.

Trying to blame others for your own problems is a fallacy and never addresses the real issues.

3:33 PM

Anonymous said...
Kaum Melayu terancam kerana PAGAR MAKAN PADI - yang ditugaskan untuk memerintah dan membangunkan negara hanya mengisikan poket segolongan keluarga dan kroni sendiri! Itu yang mengancam Melayu; bukan orang lain!

3:35 PM

Anonymous said...
Kita ni betul lah cakap tak serupa bikin. Hypocrite semuanya! Saya nak tanya: Yang buat kaum lain kaya raya tu siapa? Malaysia Inc tu siapa punya polisi? IPP untung berbillion, tenaga rugi berbillion tu dek kontrak masa siapa?

tanah tanah premium bertukar milek jadi hak asing tu angkara pejabat tanah bersekongkong dengan ahli politik - bukan melayu punya angkara ke ni? Hutan dan balak hak negeri dan hak negara habis di sapu siapa yang luluskan? Jawapan nya kerajaan negeri - bukan melayu ke tu?

Dalam politik pun, nak kan undi banyak telah dikompromi, takut sangat orang tak sokong BN;

Kalau kita semua amalkan ALIBABA nak cari jalan senang dan nak kaya raya tanpa berusaha, dan dalam proses itu orang lain jadi LEBIH KAYA dan menguasai ekonomi negara ini, jangan lah nak di persalahkan orang lain. KITA YANG MENGGADAI KAN MARUAH DAN NEGARA SENDIRI!!!


3:35 PM

Anonymous said...
"The Chinese too are blessed with their own special privileges, the economic superiority of overseas Chinese in the Asian Pacific Region means that - through an international network - they have have a huge reservoir of capital, so huge that no race in this region could ever compete with them.

This is ketuanan Ekonomi Cina." By some anon....

Eh I am chinese and I am not rich. But people make money we don't hate or get jeolous. We know they work hard and they earn it. No one is trying to control malaysia.OK? Why keep saying the chinese that and chinese this?

all I can see is chinese is they take care of themeselves , to help the poor and the school. politics? who cares...

3:48 PM

Anonymous said...

Change your heading lah before you move to the dark side. Change it to "Dr M: UMNO ast risk of being dispossessed"

At least do something accurate before you go over.


3:53 PM

Parpu Kari said...



3:58 PM

Anonymous said...
What do you expect when UMNO is a completely corrupted political party right from the top to bottom. Lining up their pocket comes first before anything else ... Wali Kota

4:04 PM

amir said...
Yeah, if you READ the bloody speech properly, you will see that the biggest 'crime' done unto Malays as a race, is being committed by the Malays themselves.

Disunity, general stupidity, spite, envy, selfishness, superstitious bullshit.

All done by Malays.

The very people robbing Malays of their power and independence are the Malays themselves.

I agree to that. It is, I think, a desire to self-destruct. A suicidal want.

This is purely a Malay matter. And only Malays can help themselves.

So what's up with all you other folk jumping up and down?

This is a Malay issue. Let us take care of our house first. Let us keep it in order.

You guys jumping up and down and revealing how racist and hateful you guys are is making it worse.

And to 'Fariddddd':

No one is discounting equality and the establishment of a truly Malaysian society.

I'm all for equality, man. Equal rights, REASONABLE equal distribution of wealth, an erosion of the status quo.

But for the have-nots (read: most Malays), something has to be done to get the majority poor (read: majority Malays) to have more.

Merely improving the social and financial standing of the poor need not mean the rich (read: majority non-Malays) have to lose out on anything.

There is enough for everyone. Don't be so greedy lah. And that goes for all.

4:31 PM

skilgannon1066 said...
It never ceases to amaze me how Tun Dr Mahathir can get away with selective and biased interpretations of history and current developments without being called to account.

The sycophantic main stream media in Malaysia are obviously not interested in asking hard questions of Dr M.

If Dr M has the courage to vocalise his views, then he should make himself available to the international media and present a detailed justification for his views.

All that he succeeds in doing is to portray himself as an embittered ex-politician who sees that his day has passed and that the world has moved on.

Dr M was in power for 20+ years. The country's report card for international competitiveness, governance, corruption and transparency over this period has been reported in various rankings. The Malaysian government has not succeeded in rebutting the country's rankings.

I think that what sticks in Dr M's mind, and what upsets him, is that the state of play in Asean and Asia will be defined by the likes of China, India, Japan and the US. Malaysia will be a "bit player" that can choose either to side with the big boys or nurse the mother of all inferiority complexes and sulk on the sidelines.

So, all his brave talk about Malays running the risk of being dispossessed in Malaysia is to divert attention away from the fact that Malaysia's continued growth and prosperity depends, to a great extent, on what China, India, Japan and the US do in the region and in Asia.

Witness the ongoing global economic recession and financial crisis. The Malaysian government can come up with stimulus plans galore, and run down the country's reserves in the name of stimulus spending, but the Malaysian economy will not get back on the path of steady and sustained growth until the global recession has run it's course.

I think that Dr M (as does Datuk Seri Najib and the more intelligent Ministers in the federal government) senses the sheer feeling of powerlessness in the face of global economic realities.

So, what better way to divert the attention of the rakyat from economic gloom, falling investments and continued job losses than by hammering away at all the convenient shibboleths? Of course, Dr M is an acknowledged "Si-Fu" in the art of never taking the blame or in making excuses (the Zionist conspiracy, colonial dirty tricks, ungrateful "pendatangs" etc).

For example, Dr M should explain, in simple language, to Perkasa and the other ultra Malay NGOs, just why the central banks of Malaysia and China recently signed a 3-year 80 billion yuan (US$11.7 billion) currency swap agreement. The stated aims of this currency swap agreement are to promote bilateral trade and investment to boost the economic development of Malaysia and China, and to increase the amount of yuan that Malaysian banks can draw on to service local companies that use the Chinese currency in their trade transactions.

So, on the one hand, you criticise the Malaysian Chinese for being "anti-national", but on the other hand, your country's central bank is happy to enter into a large currency swap deal with the Chinese central bank.

Of course, Dr M will keep very quiet about matters like these. Why? Because his Malay nationalism agenda will be shown to be an "emperor without clothes" were such international agreements made widely known.

Or the unpalatable fact that Malaysia has to rely on foreign investments to bring in the high-tech industries and services that is needed to create good jobs for Malaysians. Good jobs, mind. Not all of us have the wherewithal to become Class F contractors with a guaranteed stream of contracts and revenue!

Plus there is the fact that China (and India and Japan) have plenty of other alternatives if they want to purchase crude oil, natural gas and palm oil. What that will do to the federal government budget, that depends on the sales of crude oil, natural gas and palm oil to generate 40 per cent of revenue, remains to be seen. Dr M wouldn't want to touch this with a 10-feet pole - because it is not as easy to explain basic economic facts as it is to make controversial speeches.

4:31 PM

Godmother said...
Dey, Godfather!

The headliner cannot be lie that because it's not about umno it's about he malays lah, Bo. You forgot ar, dey, that Mahathir is not an umno member already.

As for Dark Side, let Rocky be where he likes. You Godfather stay in your Dug Site, six feet under ground.


Your Godmother

4:42 PM

Anonymous said...

So whats the Ahli Kimia from Taiwan doing here with all the drugs?

You seem to have all news about almost everything outside Malaysia, care to show us the pictures of these Idiots?


1:10 AM

"The Malays cannot even defend themselves; if they meet and talk (to defend themselves), they are called racists." - Dr Mahathir

"Melayu Kini Cemas". In his 100-para address at the gathering of Malay NGOs under the Perkasa umbrella this morning, Dr Mahathir Mohamad warned the Malays that they are on the verge of losing their political power. They are being called immigrants in their own country by others who have forgotten the Malays' hospitality. The Malays face external attacks as well as from within by their own so-called liberal brothers who have become shamed apologists to those who accuse the Malays of practising Apartheid against other races.

And faced with these attacks, the Malays are not even allowed to defend themselves. If they do, they are called racists, Dr Mahathir said.

The position of the Malays in their own country are under greater threat today than it was under the British, he said.
12. Keadaan hari ini lebih merbahaya daripada keadaan semasa British merancang untuk menakluk negeri-negeri Melayu dengan perancangan Malayan Union. Pada masa itu kita boleh cakap berkenaan Melayu dan tidak ada sesiapa yang akan tuduh kita sebagai racist. British pun tidak panggil kita racist. Mereka akui memang pun hak orang Melayu menuntut negeri-negeri Melayu sebagai hak orang Melayu. Semua perjanjian berkenaan dengan negeri-negeri di semenanjung mesti dibuat dengan Raja-Raja Melayu. Tidak ada siapa dari kaum laim yang berhak membuat apa-apa perjanjian. 13. Sekarang orang Melayu tidak pun boleh berkata negeri ini negeri Melayu, tidak boleh sebut negeri ini dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu. Negeri Jepun boleh dikatakan negeri orang Jepun, negeri Korea – negeri orang Korea, negeri China – negeri orang Cina, negeri India – negeri orang India. Tetapi negeri Melayu – bukan negeri orang Melayu. Dahulu mungkin. Tetapi tidak sekarang. Sekarang Malaysia, hak orang Malaysia dan bukan hak orang Melayu. Kesanggupan dan kerelaan orang Melayu berkongsi milik negara ini tidak sedikit pun dihargai. Pemberian satu juta kerakyatan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra kepada kaum lain tidak dihargai bahkan tidak diingati, dilupakan dengan begitu sahaja. 14. Orang Melayu dikatakan kaum pendatang di negaranya sendiri. Dan kaum pendatang lain tidak boleh dipanggil kaum pendatang. Jika sesiapa berbuat demikian, mereka mesti minta maaf. Tidak perlu sesiapa minta maaf jika berkata Melayu kaum pendatang.
Read all 100 paragraphs at Big Dog's, here.

Notes: Perkasa is not an Umno wing. It is an NGO set up to try and bring all Malay groupings in this country under a single umbrella nothwithstanding pollitical ideologies.

posted by Rocky's Bru at 12:55 on 22-Mar-2009

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