Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Malaysia - God's Name - Feb 2010

Troubling news about church attacks over the use of the Allah. No one died. These attacks were really minor (compared to similar events world wide) and in a weird way...good...because it shows Malay culture in its actual form. Peace loving people.

I am not saying there are no extremist among us...but aren't we all racist. It’s fine to be proud of race and not religion.

Anyway about religion, as a Hindu I had never conceptualized the church/christians using the world Allah, growing up in KL & La Salle Boys school! The name was associated to the muslims, but later learnt Arabs of the Abrahimic tradition use the same name –Allah.

The church had done a lot of good work in east malaysia & proselytizing the bible in Bahasa, using the term Allah, as God. I disagree with the Church because theologically one only gets to Allah following the muslim path. If you follow the Christian path, then call it something else. I am lucky (being a Hindu) because I can call god many names.

I am sad the Church is taking legal action over a mere word when teaching the words of Christ is more important.

RPK - Fugitive Freedom Fighter - 2010

Malaysia's first modern freedom fighter, Raja Petra Kamaruddin or RPK is one the run, escaping the country unseen and unheard, from the clutches of the Judicial & Political system.

Well he is never unheard, blogging about the inner sinister secrets of our politician, from both sides of the aisle.

Whats really spectacular is; his claim of access to information,initial skepticism aside; often turn out true.

Is Rocky Bru pro-umno?

Perhaps. But not the traditional pro anything goes umno. I think in a way he prefers a strong 2 party system; based on his writings all these years. He is not pro PKR. I have read most.

Note umno/mic/mca have long histories...my dad started mic in our neighbor hood helping poor indians with dues/etc. But there is too much corruption and we need the 2 party system to eradicate or reduce corruption. I am not anti MIC...but certainly not pro MIC. Lets give PKR 5 year and impose term limits for PM. Else vote the reformed umno/mca/mic back!

Some of his post appear unfair towards the opposition. News Links to pro-gov blogs are often done with minimal differing views. I don't blame him for what other pro-gov bloggers say. He does have side links to diverse sites..even MT.

Anyway, Rocky is not unreasonable in his blogs, unlike many other pro-gov bloggers; and he takes a more matured discussion of views.