Troubling news about church attacks over the use of the Allah. No one died. These attacks were really minor (compared to similar events world wide) and in a weird way...good...because it shows Malay culture in its actual form. Peace loving people.
I am not saying there are no extremist among us...but aren't we all racist. It’s fine to be proud of race and not religion.
Anyway about religion, as a Hindu I had never conceptualized the church/christians using the world Allah, growing up in KL & La Salle Boys school! The name was associated to the muslims, but later learnt Arabs of the Abrahimic tradition use the same name –Allah.
The church had done a lot of good work in east malaysia & proselytizing the bible in Bahasa, using the term Allah, as God. I disagree with the Church because theologically one only gets to Allah following the muslim path. If you follow the Christian path, then call it something else. I am lucky (being a Hindu) because I can call god many names.
I am sad the Church is taking legal action over a mere word when teaching the words of Christ is more important.