Hakim was an honorable man who had a deep sense of integrity, impartiality and fair judgment in his work. One of his favorite sayings was that the facts will speak for itself and he lived by this creed, even when faced with career hurdles. Hakim had extraordinary abilities as a Certified Internal Auditor and Certified Fraud Examiner. He was one of the best. Auditor; meaning a listener or hearer in Latin characterized his work ethics.
A Hindu Prayer for Hakim
Our scriptures teach us that just as pilgrims unite and separate at a public inn, so also fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, wives, relations unite and separate in this world. He who thus understands the nature of the body and all human relationships based upon it will derive strength to bear the loss of our dear ones.
All ripe fruits must drop down from the tree. Death closely follows a man wherever he goes and wherever he sits, and returns with him until his journey ends, however long may be the distance traveled.
On behalf of the entire community, we offer our heartfelt condolences and together we offer our prayer: May the Lord grant strength and courage to the surviving members of Hakim's family. To all relations and friends may the Lord grant ability to give comfort to the bereaved families. May the Lord grant everlasting peace to the departed soul.
Om Aasto ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrityorma amritam gamaya, Om shanti, shanti, shanti.