Tuesday, February 05, 2008

MIC & Malaysian Indians

Posted in http://www.malaysia-today.net/2008/ on Feb 5 2008.

Malaysian Indians, especially the tamilian should seriously re-examine who they should support and vote for. Your survival lies with the opposition; even PAS as they have treated hindus/buddist better then BN. Look at PAS; its leaders are ethical & non corrupt. Nobody perfect; and the PAS Malays represent a unique peaceful form of Islam; that is refreshing. BN should not win by a 'large' margin!

Race and religion will continue being sensitive issues unless the GOV ensures there is mutual respect of the people's race and religion; irrespective of whether it affects the minority or majority. The temple demolition is the primary reason why Hindu Malaysians are disillusioned. Many Hindus agree there are too many random temples being built; and all they ask is the demolitions are done with some degree of dignity. Seeing our 'gods' smashed and thrown about was painful. Anger was an obvious response, with MIC and BN.

Perhaps separating religion from the pubic sphere would be ideal…..see Separation of State and Religion Rule. OK this may be way too much for Malaysians at the moment...but we do have TIME!