Sunday, July 06, 2008

July 4th - 2008

The US Independence day reminds me of Malaysia's challenges in this globalized world. Its not coincidence that the US & Malaysia national flags are quite alike!

What I am thinking is the Government we have in Malaysia in term of Governance. I can only pray that Malaysia learns the right lessons. A wake up call among the majority Malays (60%), Chinese (30%), Indians (8%) took place in the May 2008 general election.

Global economic competition is going to test the best of countries. Governance matters most and will be the differentiator in how well we (the Government) manage economic and social policies.

Malay dilemma is still an interesting political process.

1. How do Malays feel about State and Religion been different aspects of political life?
2. Who represent Malays; UMNO or PAS & PKR?
3. Can DAP represent the Malay?
4. Can PAS represent the non Malay?
5. What role can the King (and I also mean RPK) play?