Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cheney Dithering Obama?

Actually Cheney is correct that Pres Obama is dithering. But this dithering is good because of soldiers' life's are at risk. The tragic event at Ft Hood further shows intelligence weaknesses in domestic risk. Fighting the war there and not here at home is not strategic.

Iraq and Afghanistan are quite different problems. Getting out gracefully from these countries is a long process.

Sending more troops to Afghanistan may bring more problems in the long run. It would depend on how strategic war plans with Pakistan, and other related countries are formulated.

Iraq was a sad, badly managed war. Rookie mistakes by war managers after the soldiers were warmly greeted in Baghdad, was quite disappointing. Inability to manage change rationally was unbelievable.

Mat Jokes

Adam and Eve were Malays, confirm plus guarantee.
Because if they were Chinese, they'd have eaten the snake.
And if they were Indian, they'd have tricked the snake into eating the apple.