Saturday, August 30, 2008

VP Pick - Obama - McCain ?

August 31st
It has been widely reported that Mcpain's pick of Sarah Palin were due to the following;

> Get Hilary's women supporters - 20% (those who still refuse to vote Obama) to support Mccain/Palin - not sure if successfull.
> Get the right wing excited of Palin who is anti-abortion and pro-gun - and they are excited.

But what all these reports fail to see is Karl Rove's plan; i.e. the men vote. More men would vote for Sarah Palin due to looks/beauty. The undecided men.

Update Sept 1st.
Palin's daughter pregancy out of wedlock. Not sure degree of negative effect on mccain Rep. onservatives. But the Reps. will find ways to get more support out of sympathy votes. Palin has some good accomplishments and the Dems need to discredit her policies views. Obama surely was tested about his past.

But it will take more than beauty or even brawn to beat Obama-Biden. Biden's choice was well thought out and sensitive to voters at large. Obama finally was more specific on his plans and took on McCain sometimes in sterness - Like he can give a punch. but Obama's temperament, judgment and reasoning was evident of his Presidency.

Obama needs to say or imply that he would appoint Hilary as a health czar-ina.