Friday, May 23, 2008

Acquired Intense Denial Syndrome - AIDS

By RPK May 23rd >>
Did the Umno people not see the Indians from Hindraf wearing PAS T-shirts and carrying PAS flags in a Chinese temple in Port Kelang while shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ during the DAP ceramah? Did the Umno people not see the Malays from Kampong Raja Uda in Port Kelang vote for an Indian Member of Parliament and a Chinese State Assemblyman, both from DAP, when since Merdeka of 51 years ago they had always voted Barisan Nasisonal (and the Alliance Party before that)? Did the Umno people not see the God of Money statue in Kuala Kedah hold a PKR flag in one hand and a PAS flag in the other when this temple had been a MCA stronghold since Merdeka of 51 years ago? Did the Umno people not see the Malays in Kampong Baru open the doors of their houses so that the Hindraf Indians who were being chased by the police after being tear-gassed could seek refuge? Did the Umno people not see the PAS Malays drag the Indians and Chinese blinded by tear-gas into the Jamik Mosque so that they could escape retaliation from the police during the 10 November 2007 Bersih march?

No, this is not about the Chinese and Indians voting opposition to kick the Malays out. It was also not about the Chinese and Indians ganging up on the Malays. It was about the Malays, Chinese and Indians uniting under the umbrella of People’s Power. The Indians call it Makkal Sakhti. The Malays call it Suara Rakyat, Suara Keramat. In English that means the people’s voice is a sacred voice. And from that was born People’s Power or Makhal Sakhti.