Thursday, May 08, 2008

Parliment Session - LKS - KJ - Can Man Condemn One to Hell/Heaven?

Lim Kit Siang was formidable in the last Parliment session of speeches & shouting matches. Responses from both BN and the opposition appeared confusing with minimal reasonable debates. Tian Chua was kind of shy and spoke well in malay. Some BN politician were respectful.

Khairy Jamaluddin, was I think trying to be philosophical when he said that man cannot condemn one to hell; as 'implied' by rpk article, 'Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell;..which pissed LKS..shouts could be heard...not sure who/what else. LKS made fun of oxford grads...and being the richest unemployed (person)..see LKS

Anyway long story minimized; LKS should have said 'Yes man (legal system) can condemn one to hell in death penalty for violent crimes committed by man'. 'As far as going to heaven; that God/Tuhan decides' Not GOVERNMENT'.

Can't we have a civil debate!