Monday, February 09, 2009


Comments on PKR kedah resigns - polygomy?
The 13 million $answer that DSAI says, is that crappy politicians is a disease of all parties. Well I would even say PAS, one of the colition partner is perhaps the most ethical and noncorrupt group of politicians.

With regards to Karpal, well here is what we need; an open party system of democratic expression. In BN one is punished by expulsion and etc.

DSAI perhaps need to meet Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Get some humility. Admit some mistakes, Change we can.

>>> comments as per rockybru blog
There is really no RPK bashing. When he speaks people really listen.

Its time for Pakatan younger politicians to take over. I think DSAI can help..

>> I think kickdefella cry of mari derhaka, questions the "King & I" who could be jahat and zalim. Is sembah Tuhan and sembah Agung same? Same but not similar.

I believe the DYMM made the right decision; after meeting and asking each individual politician. some new millionaires, perhaps. I disagree on pelting the prince car, perhaps if politicians' car ok lah. Use the legal system and sue the Election commission.

DSAI perhaps need to meet Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Get some humility. Admit some mistakes, Change we can. Time for Pakatan younger politicians to take over?

All things considered PKR/PAS/DAP have done a fairly good job, despite losing Perak; and especially with BN billion dollar election funds.