Friday, April 24, 2009

Raja ‘Public Service’ Kamarudin

Raja ‘Public Service’ Kamarudin

RPK is guilty of telling the truth as he believes it. Per his writings over the years he has never incited hate among the races. He slams all the races equally. When he slams the malays and commenter jump on the bandwagon; rpk usually comes back slamming the chinese and indians.....Why use draconian laws when one can sue rpk for defamation if he telling all those lies or innuendos?

When are we going to hold our politician to higher ethical standards; else we are screwed, economically.

btw i don't know where rpk is and this is my
I think Anil is spot on warn us of the Pandora's Box. The financial sector had lost much of it creditability, albeit Madoff and sub-prime loan scandals. Obama is coming up with smarter regulations and until this framework is articulated, Malaysia should hold back on MNC.

(see Jon Stewart & Cramer 'interview'

The PM should work on 3 things.


Hello Dr M,
I think there is a major wake up call in America. From Madoff to Mad Money (see Jon Stewart & Cramer 'interview'
Smarter regulations is critical to 'police' investments banks and financial houses. I think these events prove that GOVERNMENT is vital. And I mean good government, which Obama is effecting.
I believe most of the 'toxic assets' are homes; going for 40% discount; so it is may be good investment for low/medium income earners.
Buy the way, thank you for making politics really interesting. I don't completely agree with you, and seem to be often inspired by rantingMM.