Saturday, April 19, 2008

Malaysia’s Democratic Revolution & RPK - 2008

The one person who played a significant role in Malaysia’s BN ruling party’s loss of 2/3rd majority is RPK. Others like Jeff Ooi, Rocky Bru and friends lead the cyber revolution. It’s perhaps the first time in Malaysian history that we have a truly revolutionary figure, in Raja Petra Kamurudin, Raja or Peter for some, RPK for others or whatever the fish some call him.

He has managed to intrigue fair minded people of his views and the manner of his arguments. Don’t expect him to apologize for being blunt or crude but he has remained morally sound and fair in his writings. His blog exposes the corrupt and extremist in the corridors of power, as well as educating the everyday Malaysian of their own inhibitions in race-religion relations.

Hearing him scream Makkal Skathi and saying he has more right to carry a Keris than UMNO right wingers; and that Malays will shed blood to protect the Chinese and Indians, was exhilarating; because it was never heard of. MIC & MCA were not spared by his scorn. His passion and love of Malaysia is evident in his voice and body language. His writings behold to no one politician and calls out anyone without regard to race or religion.

He has promised to keep track of the performance records of the BN, PKR, PAS & DAP; our elected officials via It is very interesting to see what he says about non-BN parties in the coming months and years. Well, he has already started eavesdropping at the corridor of power. First 100 days?

Hope the new local Pakatan Rakyat (PR) local governments works and take reasonable action against past illegalities and not witch hunt.

Like I hoped, RPK did not join a political party; but many wished he did. Guess he is a one man party of revolution of kinds.

April 1 2008