Sunday, April 27, 2008

Polls and Changing Views

Polls often don't lie (as it is a mathematical improbability for polls to be wrong; if it takes into account random and representative samples); eXcept during the Florida 2000 hanging chads elections when 'the error rate' was not predicted accurately. Who would have thought the error rate for invalid ballots would have been that high.

Someone somewhere really thought through this process and knowingly did not ;clean' the ballot machines since the last elections (perhaps since 1996). Do you how many chads were clogging the machines? The error rate also includes some voting incorrectly for Buchanan instead of Gore due to ballot format changes (butterfly ballot).

All one needed was increase the error rate by 1% or 2 %. By the way there is many differing views if the error rates were higher than normal.

Anyway who is leading; Hilary/Obama or Mccain? I think getting an opinion now is misleading as one views the contest between 2 individuals or parties. When one party is still deciding who represents them in the contest, polling views tend to premature.

For example if I am an undecided independent, and like both Obama and Maccain; when asked now whom I would vote, then Maccain would most probably be my answer. Now if Obama is confirmed winner on the DNC party now, then Obama would be my answer. This is indeed a complex yet simple decision making behaviour.