Friday, April 18, 2008

Update - random news.

This was a comment from a reader on feb 08 in which bugged me, weeks b4 the election.

8 % ethnic minority Indians in Malaysia who have been marginalized and permanently colonized by the racist Malay supremacist and Islamic fundamentalist UMNO controlled Malaysian Government”

This was my comment.
What about the “racist, Indian supremacist and Hindu fundamentalist MIC co-government.; who by proxy were given the power to govern the Indian in Malaysia.

Updated on April'08.
HINDRAF was revolutionary, like BERSIH, RPK & other cyber citizenry voters. Racial and religious differences were 'minimized' in PKR, PAS & DAP groups. PAS leaders were noted to be so much more ethical & non-corrupt, and treat non-muslims' place of worships better.

I think Hindraf's memo was extreme on some parts; but ISA is not the solution. Maybe a month jail, doing community service in poor Malay and Chinese locations.

Malaysia's form of Islam is unique, rooted in its Malay-ness. Capitalism requires a separation (or a balance) between state and church/mosque/temple, at least in the long term. How PKR, PAS & DAP manage these interesting questions is critical!

The ball is in BN's hand, at least for the moment. DSAI is ready. Can BN change, radically.

>KJ now agrees the keris waving was wrong.
>The lawyers gave the PM a standing ovations?
>Some MP forget to send questions in?

Pls see ; why i think RPK was revolutionary. HERE